Scripts are intended to be used with the latest stable Psych Engine release unless stated otherwise.
- Messes around with playbackRate and character scales once camZooming is true.
- Camera bop event that I made a few months ago, read its .txt to know how to use it.
- Essentially functions the same as Set Camera Bop, but it has an extra setting used exclusively for my Manual Blast rechart.
- Makes Boyfriend bounce up and down every beat, uses code from Soulles DX.
- Moves the camera on note hit, except for some reason this one makes the memory skyrocket.
- Has a random chance every beat to fuck yo shit up, RGB code by Meloomazy.
- Exponentially increases your playbackRate/songSpeed (depending if editScrollSpeed is false) every step.
- Loosely replicates a taiko style with your strums, a little unfinished and sustains are generally broken.