My LeetCode problem submissions in Kotlin, of course the actual submissions are on my LeetCode profile and that should be the true source of truth.
This repository is mainly so that I can solve the problems from IntelliJ IDEA, using all the help the IDE provides. Saving them in one repository to browse is just a nice to have.
All submissions are found in the problems package.
All submissions in this repository are in Kotlin, a modern language with an excellent standard library. Despite that, I will try to keep usages of the standard library utility functions low for better learning.
I will usually try to keep my most preferred solution here, this may not be the latest submission.
All submission file names are in the format $name_$number
where $name
is the problem's name in camel case, for
example TwoSum
for "Two Sum" and $number
is the problem's number.
LeetCode requires Kotlin submissions be placed in a Solution
class, with a specific function name and signature
unique(?) to each problem, for example 1. Two Sum
class Solution {
fun twoSum(nums: IntArray, target: Int): IntArray {
whereas 2. Add Two Numbers
class Solution {
fun addTwoNumbers(l1: ListNode?, l2: ListNode?): ListNode? {
In the submissions I remove the class Solution
and declare the function in the problem's file.
This is to avoid the IDE complaining about a redeclared class, so when submitting, just wrap the submission function
with the class Solution