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Bas van den Berg edited this page Nov 21, 2018 · 29 revisions

Welcome to BETL Wiki. Here you will find help in

  1. Installing BETL
  2. Getting started
  3. Debugging BETL

and more advanced topics on BETL architecture.

BETL in a nutshell

betl birds eye

All BETL does is generate and execute TSQL statements that transfers data from A to B. This is done using templates, object tree meta data and related configuration.

The BETL database consists of the following:

  • static tables ( tables that contain data that does not change, except when changing betl internally. Not customer dependent).
  • Utility functions (util) ( e.g. split function. utility functions have no dependencies at all and could be used outside of betl)
  • all other tables and procedures live in the dbo schema. dbo tables can contain customer specific data.

We use database schemas to seperate functionality and suffixes to go one level further:


  • History table ( _hist ). Every change will result in a new record ( no updates or deletes in this table, except for end-dating ).
  • Extended view ( _ext). Joins a table with comoonly used related tables / lookups.