Terraform module to deploy an ESXi host in Equinix Metal with option to create a Metal Gateway and User SSH key.
NOTE: Metal Gateway is required if you need to assign a public IP to a VM running in the VMware ESXi host.
Please make sure you have:
To run this module, you will need set the following environment variables
Variables | Description |
METAL_AUTH_TOKEN | Equinix API Key or Authentication Token |
export METAL_AUTH_TOKEN="EqU1n1Xm3T4l4UtHt0K3n"
module "metal-vmware-esxi" {
source = "bayupw/metal-vmware-esxi/equinix"
version = "1.0.0"
metal_project_name = "My Project"
metro = "sy"
plan = "c3.small.x86"
esx_hostname = "esxi-01a"
create_metal_gateway = true
create_user_ssh_key = false
output "metal_device_ip" {
description = "VMware ESXi Public IP."
value = module.metal-vmware-esxi.equinix_metal_device.access_public_ipv4
output "metal_device_password" {
description = "VMware ESXi password."
value = module.metal-vmware-esxi.equinix_metal_device.root_password
sensitive = true
output "metal_gateway_ip" {
description = "Metal Gateway IP."
value = cidrhost(module.metal-vmware-esxi.equinix_metal_reserved_ip_block[0].cidr_notation, 1)
output "public_ip_block" {
description = "Public IP CIDR block"
value = module.metal-vmware-esxi.equinix_metal_reserved_ip_block[0].cidr_notation
output "usable_public_ip" {
description = "Usable public IP range"
value = "${cidrhost(module.metal-vmware-esxi.equinix_metal_reserved_ip_block[0].cidr_notation, 2)} - ${cidrhost(module.metal-vmware-esxi.equinix_metal_reserved_ip_block[0].cidr_notation, module.metal-vmware-esxi.equinix_metal_reserved_ip_block[0].quantity - 2)}"
In order to provide internet access to the VMs, the module by default creates an Equinix Metal Gateway. To disable Equinix Metal Gateway creation, set create_metal_gateway to true.
To create a user ssh key, set create_user_ssh_key
to true and provide the details in variable user_ssh_key_name
and user_public_key
To display output details
terraform output metal-vmware-esxi
Report issues/questions/feature requests on in the issues section.
Apache 2 Licensed. See LICENSE for full details.