Instructions and scripts to run quickmirseq on ClubAshworth cluster.
DISCLAIMER: these are bbermudez personal notes, if these are useful to anyone that's a bonus.
Create a directory within /data/buck/abuck_smallrna/analyses/QuickMIRSeq_Beto/QuickMIRSeq for the dataset you want to analyze
cd /data/buck/abuck_smallrna/analyses/QuickMIRSeq_Beto/QuickMIRSeq
mkdir 2022-07-12_modekextracellular_real
For both trial and real runs
Then created fastq and output dirs within each of these
../2022-07-12_modekextracellular_real$ mkdir fastq
../2022-07-12_modekextracellular_real$ mkdir output
My script can create the output directory, but the fastq is mandatory
Then make soft links from all the datasets of interest to the fastq directory (in this example 5 datasets)
ln -s /data/buck/abuck_smallrna/analyses/11199_Buck_Amy/00.fastq_with_adapter.trial/403-0_MKcellsAGO2IP1.fq.gz .
ln -s /data/buck/abuck_smallrna/analyses/11199_Buck_Amy/00.fastq_with_adapter.trial/406-0_MKcellsAgo2-IP2.fq.gz .
ln -s /data/buck/abuck_smallrna/analyses/11199_Buck_Amy/00.fastq_with_adapter.trial/402-0_MKcellsUB1.fq.gz .
ln -s /data/buck/abuck_smallrna/analyses/11199_Buck_Amy/00.fastq_with_adapter.trial/405-0_MKcellsUB2.fq.gz .
ln -s /data/buck/abuck_smallrna/analyses/11199_Buck_Amy/00.fastq_with_adapter.trial/409-0_MKSecretedAGO2IP1.fq.gz .
ln -s /data/buck/abuck_smallrna/analyses/11199_Buck_Amy/00.fastq_with_adapter.trial/412-0_MKSecretedAgo2-IP2.fq.gz .
ln -s /data/buck/abuck_smallrna/analyses/11199_Buck_Amy/00.fastq_with_adapter.trial/408-0_MKSecretedUB1.fq.gz .
ln -s /data/buck/abuck_smallrna/analyses/11199_Buck_Amy/00.fastq_with_adapter.trial/411-0_MKSecretedUB2.fq.gz .
ln -s /data/buck/abuck_smallrna/analyses/11804_Buck_Amy/00.fastq_with_adapter.trial/BMT_LN* .
ln -s /data/buck/abuck_smallrna/analyses/11804_Buck_Amy/00.fastq_with_adapter.trial/HET_LN* .
ln -s /data/buck/abuck_smallrna/analyses/15501_Cei/00.fastq_with_adapter.trial/F* .
ln -s /data/buck/abuck_smallrna/analyses/15501_Cei/00.fastq_with_adapter.trial/Het-Spleen-* .
ln -s /data/buck/abuck_smallrna/analyses/15501_Cei/00.fastq_with_adapter.trial/RAGKO-lung-* .
ln -s /data/buck/abuck_smallrna/analyses/11624_Buck_Amy/00.fastq_with_adapter.trial/2_MK-Ago2-IP* .
ln -s /data/buck/abuck_smallrna/analyses/11624_Buck_Amy/00.fastq_with_adapter.trial/2_MK-Input* .
ln -s /data/buck/abuck_smallrna/analyses/2022-04_Tcirc_hp_exWAGO_Kat/00.fastq_with_adapter.trial/KG07_* .
I opened the excel sheet to keep track of which libraries I added Has soft links to fastq dir within quickmirseq dir (trial & real)?
- 11199_Buck_Amy. (8 libs)
- 11804_Buck_Amy. (12 libs)
- 15501_Cei. (18 libs)
- 11624_Buck_Amy. (8 libs)
- 2022-04_Tcirc_hp_exWAGO_Kat. (36 libs) In order to make the real directories, whenever I finished a dataset I moved to the real directory and clicked the up arrow in the keyboard to show the ln -s command for the trial lib and edited trial to real. In total there are 82 libraries to include in this analysis
IMPORTANT: library names quickmirseq doesn't like libraries that have dots in the middle such as: KG07_HD_M97_45.2_AGO2_L1.fastq.gz Will replace . with _ From
I noticed about when looking at "empty" columns for some libraries in the resulting plots, also by looking at the library names in the trimmed dir within quickmirseq output directory.
quickmirseq needs a allIDs.txt file, but this is created by my script.
Then I copied the run.config file from the tissues directory
cp run.config ../2022-07-12_modekextracellular_trial/
Modified the fastq and output dirs, changed fastq suffix to fq.gz (was fastq.gz) turned on the refine mismatch function, subtract reads mapped to miRNA with mismatches but have better hits in reference genome (recommended, but optional)
increased the min miR length to 18, was 16
I need to check that the same adapter works for all the datasets involved TGGAATTCTCGGGTGCCAAGG Will this adapter work for all datasets?
- 11199_Buck_Amy. (~94.5% of reads in one lib have adapter)
- 11804_Buck_Amy. (~94.7% of reads in one lib have adapter)
- 15501_Cei. (~96.1% of reads in one lib have adapter)
- 11624_Buck_Amy. (~96.7% of reads in one have adapter)
- 2022-04_Tcirc_hp_exWAGO_Kat. (~94.6% of reads in one libhave adapter)
Edit config file, there are 23 parameters you can set, I will mention some of these below
Choose a fastq directory:
Set the output directory:
Choose number of cpus
Choose a species
Set location for RNA bowtie index
Set location for genome bowtie index
Set minimum and max reads length
I later copied run.config the file to the real directory and modified accordingly (changed trial for real)
qmaster:/data/buck/abuck_smallrna/analyses/QuickMIRSeq_Beto/QuickMIRSeq/2022-07-12_modekextracellular_trial$ cp run.config ../2022-07-12_modekextracellular_real/
Go to scripts directory
activate quickmirseq conda environment
conda activate quickmirseq
Then I modified the script to run the quickmirseq analysis accordingly
Submit job, the instruction is found within the script
qsub -V -N quickmirKG.r -j -o /data/buck/abuck_smallrna/analyses/QuickMIRSeq_Beto/QuickMIRSeq/2022-07-12_modekextracellular_real/quickmirKG.t.log && touch /data/buck/abuck_smallrna/analyses/QuickMIRSeq_Beto/QuickMIRSeq/2022-07-12_modekextracellular_real/quickmirKG.t.log
quickmirseq produces multiple resulting files, to a point which can be overwhelming. Here I hope to provide some guidance on which are key result files and additional information provided by this pipeline.
index.html is key in exploring the results in an user-friendly, the authors of quickmirseq made a good job on providing an easy to use interphase to the pipeline results. You can open this file by double clicking it. I invite you to play around with the display of this file, many of it's contents are clickable. For example, you can rearrange tables by clicking on columns (e.g. click on miRNA_detected to see which of the libraries is the one with the highest number of detected miRNAs).
index.html requires other files to be present in the same location, so some of it's functionalities may break if this is requirement is not met.
However if you are analyzing multiple libraries copying the whole output quickmirseq is not the best idea since it holds some big files (e.g. uncompressed fastq files, why the pipeline keeps these uncompressed?). What I usually do is to move the trimmed and bowtie_temp directories one level above before copying the output dir to your personal computer. Something like:
# within output run:
mv trimmed ..
mv bowtie_temp ..
The index.html file has different sections: summary, QC metrics, Filtered Expression Table, Raw Data Files, References.
Summary contains a table with a row per library, this contains information such as the read length distribution (readLengthDist), read annotation distribution (readAnnoDist), number of total reads, reads assigned to miRNA, miRNA hairpin, small RNA (), messenger RNAs, unaligned, number of miRNAs detected, number of unique reads, numer of unique reads mapped to miRNA, hairpin, small RNA, mRNA, or unaligned.
Click on readLengthDist to display the read length distribution for a given library.
Is it possible to provide trimmed reads to quickmirseq?
The unaligned bar in the resulting index.html file mean that these reads do not align to miRNA, hairpin, small RNA, mRNA, but is it possible that some of the reads within this bar aligned to the genome?
What is contained within small RNA?
Answer: according to the contents of smallRNA.fa, this includes: tRNA Mt_rRNA Mt_tRNA snRNA snoRNA rRNA URS000075E8C1_10090 Mus musculus nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 136 (n-R5s136), ribosomal RNA URS000075CEB1_10090 Mus musculus 45S pre-ribosomal RNA (Rn45s), ribosomal RNA URS000004B853_10090 Mus musculus 28S ribosomal RNA (Rn28s1), ribosomal RNA URS00000F9D45_10090 Mus musculus predicted gene, 25018 (Gm25018), ribosomal RNA. (multiple genes) URS0000436019_10090 Mus musculus 5.8S ribosomal RNA (Rs5-8s1), ribosomal RNA URS00002A2E83_10090 Mus musculus 18S ribosomal RNA (Rn18s), ribosomal RNA URS0000ABD8A8_10090 Mus musculus 4.5S RNA