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1.Account Set Up
Objective: Set up Student Wiki Page, Journal, Insight! in the repo.
Time estimated: 1 h; taken 1 h;
Date started: 2023-1-12 ; completed: 2023-1-12
- Task: Wiki edit: name+page
- Create Wiki in my repo
- Use
to link subpages - Add copy-right
in footnote
- Task: make Journal page with CC
- Document procedure+results
- Task: make insight! page with CC
- Template: Context, insight, date
- “Full Disclosure Policy”
• “inspired by…”,
- “based on…”,
- “according to …”,
- “following …”,
- “see also …”,
- etc. as appropriate.
- Task: model of the following three types of references
- In reports, cite method footnotes ➕ APA style
- In R code,
# comment to cite StackOverflow with URL in code
- cite this idea is from classmatte
- Backup with icloud, wiki, and OneDrive
- Describe: title + enviornment + expected behavior/ target + error message + which line of code
- introductory notes on bioinformatics concepts + introductory notes on information sources for bioinformatics
💡Conclusion and outlook: Set up my Student Wiki and repo on github, started course journal. If I feel uncertain for anything that is not of my own, I will cite the original source with URL ➕ author (➕ context) in APA to avoid issues.
Objective: R basics
Time estimated: 1 h; taken 1 h;
Date started: 2023-1-12 ; completed: 2023-1-12
- Task: Install R & RStudio
Task: Install Docker
pull BCB420 docker image
docker pull risserlin/bcb420-base-image
Run Docker in course folder, create image.
cd /Users/wengjiaming/Documents/BCB420 docker run -e PASSWORD=changeit --rm \ -v "$(pwd)":/home/rstudio/projects -p 8787:8787 \ risserlin/bcb420-base-image:winter2023
Error, m1 mac cannot run RStudio server with docker, Solution: switched to intel mac.
seqinr::words(3, c("A", "G", "C", "U")) # result: all 3 letter code with ATCG > [1] "AAA" "AAG" "AAC" "AAU" "AGA" "AGG" "AGC" "AGU" "ACA" "ACG" "ACC" "ACU" "AUA" "AUG" "AUC" "AUU" "GAA" [18] "GAG" "GAC" "GAU" "GGA" "GGG" "GGC" "GGU" "GCA" "GCG" "GCC" "GCU" "GUA" "GUG" "GUC" "GUU" "CAA" "CAG" [35] "CAC" "CAU" "CGA" "CGG" "CGC" "CGU" "CCA" "CCG" "CCC" "CCU" "CUA" "CUG" "CUC" "CUU" "UAA" "UAG" "UAC" [52] "UAU" "UGA" "UGG" "UGC" "UGU" "UCA" "UCG" "UCC" "UCU" "UUA" "UUG" "UUC" "UUU" # better way to install **if (! requireNamespace("seqinr", quietly=TRUE)) { install.packages("seqinr") }** # find packages **sos::findFn("moving average")**
Set wd as the project directory.
setwd("/home/rstudio/projects") # confirm by list.files()
NOT save workspace
rm(list=setdiff(ls(), "task_counter"))
💡 Conclusion and outlook: Downloaded and installed docker, created a new image and container from the bcb420 Dockerfile. Wish that the docker can be available for m1 macs soon.