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1.Account Set Up

Lola-W edited this page Jan 20, 2023 · 2 revisions

1.1 Bioinfo Prep

Objective: Set up Student Wiki Page, Journal, Insight! in the repo.

Time estimated: 1 h; taken 1 h;

Date started: 2023-1-12 ; completed: 2023-1-12


  • Task: Wiki edit: name+page
  • Create Wiki in my repo
  • Use [[Journal]] to link subpages
  • Add copy-right {{CC-BY}} in footnote


  • Task: make Journal page with CC
  • Document procedure+results


  • Task: make insight! page with CC
  • Template: Context, insight, date

Plagiarism and academic integrity

  • “Full Disclosure Policy”

• “inspired by…”,

  • “based on…”,
  • “according to …”,
  • “following …”,
  • “see also …”,
  • etc. as appropriate.
  • Task: model of the following three types of references
    • In reports, cite method footnotes ➕ APA style
    • In R code, # comment to cite StackOverflow with URL in code
    • cite this idea is from classmatte

Data Backup

  • Backup with icloud, wiki, and OneDrive

Netiquette + Technical Questions

  • Describe: title + enviornment + expected behavior/ target + error message + which line of code

Information Sources for Bioinformatics

💡Conclusion and outlook: Set up my Student Wiki and repo on github, started course journal. If I feel uncertain for anything that is not of my own, I will cite the original source with URL ➕ author (➕ context) in APA to avoid issues.

1.2 R - Basics

Objective: R basics

Time estimated: 1 h; taken 1 h;

Date started: 2023-1-12 ; completed: 2023-1-12


  • Task: Install R & RStudio


  • Task: Install Docker

  • pull BCB420 docker image

    docker pull risserlin/bcb420-base-image
  • Run Docker in course folder, create image.

    cd /Users/wengjiaming/Documents/BCB420
    docker run -e PASSWORD=changeit --rm \
      -v "$(pwd)":/home/rstudio/projects -p 8787:8787 \

    Error, m1 mac cannot run RStudio server with docker, Solution: switched to intel mac.


  • 2.RBasics.rmd

    seqinr::words(3, c("A", "G", "C", "U"))
    # result: all 3 letter code with ATCG
    > [1] "AAA" "AAG" "AAC" "AAU" "AGA" "AGG" "AGC" "AGU" "ACA" "ACG" "ACC" "ACU" "AUA" "AUG" "AUC" "AUU" "GAA"
    [18] "GAG" "GAC" "GAU" "GGA" "GGG" "GGC" "GGU" "GCA" "GCG" "GCC" "GCU" "GUA" "GUG" "GUC" "GUU" "CAA" "CAG"
    [35] "CAC" "CAU" "CGA" "CGG" "CGC" "CGU" "CCA" "CCG" "CCC" "CCU" "CUA" "CUG" "CUC" "CUU" "UAA" "UAG" "UAC"
    [52] "UAU" "UGA" "UGG" "UGC" "UGU" "UCA" "UCG" "UCC" "UCU" "UUA" "UUG" "UUC" "UUU"
    # better way to install
    **if (! requireNamespace("seqinr", quietly=TRUE)) {
    # find packages
    **sos::findFn("moving average")**
  • Git

  • Set wd as the project directory.

    # confirm by 


  • NOT save workspace

    rm(list=setdiff(ls(), "task_counter"))

💡 Conclusion and outlook: Downloaded and installed docker, created a new image and container from the bcb420 Dockerfile. Wish that the docker can be available for m1 macs soon.


  1. Docker
  2. Isserlin R. 2023. Docker Image
  3. Steipe B. and Isserlin R. (2023) R - Basics.
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