The SDK for PAYONE Payment Integration helps you to integrate payment into your app. The SDK makes use of the PAYONE Server API which is quite feature rich but has aged and direct use may be uncomfortable.
- Modern interface and robust concepts to make using this SDK a pleasure
- Flexible design and extendable structure for tailored solutions
- Simple yet powerful use of the PAYONE Server API
- Automatic processing of PAYONE Notifications
- At least PHP 7.1
- Composer Dependency Manager
Although the SDK uses Composer, it does not have extensive dependencies on other packages. Currently, the only dependencies are on PSR interfaces.
The SDK for PAYONE Payment Integration is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.
Just run composer require cakasim/payone-sdk:dev-develop
to install the SDK via composer.
The SDK is based on several core principles that should make it easy to use and flexible to integrate.
A useful and functional default configuration allows easy bootstrapping of the SDK without extensive initialization of dependencies.
A simple IoC implementation using constructor parameter injection allows a central modification of relevant components.
Service classes make individual components of the SDK and their features accessible.
The use of PSR interfaces allows a high degree of adaptability to an existing system that already provides PSR compatible components.
The SDK makes use of the following PSR interfaces:
- PSR-3, Logger Interface
- PSR-11, Container Interface
- PSR-7, HTTP Message Interfaces
- PSR-17, HTTP Factories
- PSR-18, HTTP Client
This section explains how to use the SDK. Various code examples are given. For reasons of clarity, general code components have been omitted (e.g. use statements).
To use the SDK, the main class Sdk
must be instantiated.
// Variant 1, construct the Sdk with all defaults
$sdk = new Sdk();
// - or -
// Variant 2, construct the Sdk with a customized IoC container
$containerBuilder = new ContainerBuilder();
$container = $containerBuilder->getContainer();
// Apply your custom bindings ...
$container->bind(RequestFactoryInterface::class, YourPsr17RequestFactory::class);
$container->bind(ResponseFactoryInterface::class, YourPsr17ResponseFactory::class);
$sdk = new Sdk($containerBuilder->buildContainer());
For the following examples we assume that the variable $sdk
contains the Sdk
The SDK requires some configuration parameters. These parameters are provided by a Config class. The following example shows how the configuration can be done.
/** @var ConfigInterface $config */
$config = $sdk->getContainer()->get(ConfigInterface::class);
// Your API credentials
$config->set('api.merchant_id', 'your_merchant_id');
$config->set('api.portal_id', 'your_portal_id');
$config->set('api.key_hash', 'hash_of_your_api_key');
// General API config options
$config->set('api.mode', 'test');
$config->set('api.endpoint', '');
$config->set('api.integrator_name', 'YourProjectName');
$config->set('api.integrator_version', '1.0.0');
// Set the IP address ranges of trusted notification senders.
$config->set('notification.sender_address_whitelist', [
The following example shows how to send a simple API request to perform a credit card check.
// Create your request / response objects
$response = new \Cakasim\Payone\Sdk\Api\Message\Response();
$request = new \Cakasim\Payone\Sdk\Api\Message\Request([
'request' => 'creditcardcheck',
'storecarddata' => 'yes',
'cardpan' => '4111111111111111',
'cardtype' => 'V',
'cardexpiredate' => '2212',
'cardcvc2' => '123',
// Send the request to PAYONE
$sdk->getApiService()->getClient()->sendRequest($request, $response);
// Do something with the response
echo serialize($response);
With the SDk, PAYONE notifications can be easily processed. The SDK takes important steps in the verification and mapping of notifications.
// Register notification handlers
$sdk->getNotificationService()->registerHandler(new class() implements HandlerInterface {
public function handleNotification(ContextInterface $context): void
$message = $context->getMessage();
if ($message instanceof TransactionStatusInterface) {
// handle the TX status notification
echo "Received TX action {$message->getAction()}";
// Get the server request factory to create a request from the current environment
/** @var ServerRequestFactoryInterface $requestFactory */
$requestFactory = $sdk->getContainer()->get(ServerRequestFactoryInterface::class);
$request = $requestFactory->createServerRequest($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'], $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $_SERVER);
// Process the server request