Releases: bcgov/business-create-ui
Business Create UI v5.10.1
Release ticket: #20901
Release report: Entities Spring 21.1.b Release
What's Changed
- 20779 Implemented Easy Legal Name Fix by @JazzarKarim in #675
- 20946 updated to use latest alternate name interface by @JazzarKarim in #677
Full Changelog: 5.9.12...5.10.1
Business Create UI 5.9.12
Release ticket # 20855
Release report: Entities Sprint 21.1a Release
What's Changed
- 16606 Added invalid NR dialog by @severinbeauvais in #670
- 20489 Misc cleanup by @severinbeauvais in #674
- 20931 Now save business object in registration filing by @severinbeauvais in #676
Full Changelog: 5.9.9...5.9.11
Business Create UI v5.9.9
Release ticket # 20255
Release report: Entities Sprint 20.5a Release
What's Changed
- 20196 Added some fallbacks to prevent invalid JSON by @severinbeauvais in #666
Full Changelog: 5.9.8...5.9.9
Business Create UI v5.9.8
Release ticket # 20034
Release report: Entities Sprint 20.4a Release
What's Changed
- 19903 Handle business Forbidden vs Not Found vs error cases by @severinbeauvais in #663
- 19906 Updated breadcrumbs by @severinbeauvais in #664
Full Changelog: 5.9.6...5.9.8
Business Create UI v5.9.6
Release ticket # 19880
Release report: Entities Sprint 20.3b Release
What's Changed
- 19745 Implemented compatible entity type check for adoptee businesses by @severinbeauvais in #654
- 19698 Added Account-Id to auth api call + check for null auth info + small cleanup by @severinbeauvais in #650
- 19822 Fixed NR validation on submit by @severinbeauvais in #656
- 19044 - Amalgamation unit tests by @ketaki-deodhar in #655
- 19750 and 19805 - fixed error handling + fixed party index bug by @severinbeauvais in #657
- 19856 Fixed empty officer email schema issue by @severinbeauvais in #658
- 19756 Small change so prepopulated data overrides legal name by @severinbeauvais in #659
- 19874 Changed some snackbar messages to dialogs by @severinbeauvais in #660
- 19897 Fixed foreign jurisdiction region by @severinbeauvais in #661
Full Changelog: 5.8.13...5.9.6
Business Create UI v5.8.13
Release ticket # 19787
Release report: Entities Sprint 20.3a Release
What's Changed
- 19041 Finished validations + updated certify statements + updated unit tests by @severinbeauvais in #646
- 19041 Created constants (enum) for resource phrases by @severinbeauvais in #647
- 19041 Added validation for business not part of a FE amalgamation by @severinbeauvais in #649
- 19774 Fixed null officer email schema error by @severinbeauvais in #651
- 19458 - do not show/edit directors by @ketaki-deodhar in #648
- 19754 Update amalgamation resources for Certify component by @severinbeauvais in #653
Full Changelog: 5.8.7...5.8.13
Business Create UI v5.8.7
Release ticket # 19691
Release report: Entities Sprint 20.2b Release
What's Changed
- 19037 Added processing for new holding/primary company by @severinbeauvais in #640
- 19037 Fixed/added unit tests by @severinbeauvais in #643
- 19561 corpNumber to identifier in foreign amalgamating business by @vysakh-menon-aot in #644
- 19629 Update legal type when adopting a business' name or new NR by @severinbeauvais in #645
- 19039-show-resulting-name-and-business-type by @jamespaologarcia in #641
Full Changelog: 5.8.3...5.8.7
Business Create UI v5.8.3
Release ticket # 19553
Release report: Entities Sprint 20.2a Release
What's Changed
- 19040 Framework for short-form amalgamations by @severinbeauvais in #630
- 19040 Misc short-form amalg framework fixes by @severinbeauvais in #634
- 19255 Implemented the Continuation In Framework by @JazzarKarim in #633
- 19036 Added "must include" checklist + refactored validation by @severinbeauvais in #635
- 19036 Added handling for Primary vs Holding + misc UI updates by @severinbeauvais in #638
- 19036 Fixed unit tests by @severinbeauvais in #639
Full Changelog: 5.6.43...5.8.3
Business Create UI v5.6.43
Release ticket # 19198
Release report: Entities 20.1b
What's Changed
- 19274 Removed organizations (and incorporator) from amalgamations by @severinbeauvais in #625
- 19179 Added Amalgamating Businesses unit tests by @severinbeauvais in #626
- 19179 Added rest of amalgamating businesses unit tests by @severinbeauvais in #627
- 19390 Added draft task TING validation by @severinbeauvais in #629
- Bump vite from 4.3.9 to 4.5.2 by @dependabot in #631
- 19359 - Amalgamating Businesses Table must have more than 1 by @JazzarKarim in #628
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #631
Full Changelog: 5.6.38...5.6.43
Business Create UI 5.6.38
Release ticket # 19007
Release report: Entities 20.1a
What's Changed
- add account id header by @vysakh-menon-aot in #616
- Fixed bug with certify if submitting the amalgamation failed by @JazzarKarim in #617
- 18641 More unit tests by @severinbeauvais in #618
- 19210 Do not save or restore the numbered name by @severinbeauvais in #619
- 19050 Fixed future effective check by @severinbeauvais in #620
- 19050 Added pending dissolution check by @severinbeauvais in #621
- 19050 Changed pending dissolution check to pending filing check by @severinbeauvais in #622
- 19201+19275+19216 More Amalgamation Fixes by @JazzarKarim in #623
- Amalgamation stepper fix by @JazzarKarim in #624
Full Changelog: 5.6.29...5.6.38