Releases: bcgov/business-create-ui
Releases · bcgov/business-create-ui
Business Create UI 4.6.10
Release ticket # 15454
Release report: Entities 16.5a
What's Changed
- Update contact phone number by @eve-git in #526
- Fixed business lookup in SPs/GPs by re-adding apigee by @JazzarKarim in #528
Full Changelog: 4.6.8...4.6.10
Business Create UI 4.6.8
Release ticket # 15215
Release report: Entities 16.4a
What's Changed
- 14783 Lots of changes esp Business Name section + Review and Confirm page by @severinbeauvais in #513
- 15183 Added Genesys Web Message to Create UI by @JazzarKarim in #516
- 14783 Final fixes + cleanup + some unit tests by @severinbeauvais in #517
- 15183 Added content security policy to genesys web chat by @JazzarKarim in #518
- 14783 Misc fixes + unit tests by @severinbeauvais in #519
- 14783 Code cleanup by @severinbeauvais in #520
- Added feature flags for the old webchat and new genesys web message by @JazzarKarim in #521
- Fix restoration type ux by @JazzarKarim in #522
- 15183 Fixed webchat feature flags name to stay consistent with LD by @JazzarKarim in #523
- Create UI: text update for restoration edit business or corporation by @kzdev420 in #524
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 4.5.17...4.6.8
Business Create UI 4.5.17
Release ticket # 15166
Release report: Entities 16.2c
What's Changed
- 14798 More incremental resto work + 14429 Updated filing survey text by @severinbeauvais in #506
- 14429 Change "hide survey" from cookie to local storage by @severinbeauvais in #507
- 14798 Remaining implementation of Applicant Information by @severinbeauvais in #508
- 14798 UI updates by @severinbeauvais in #510
Full Changelog: 4.5.10...4.5.17
Business Create UI 4.5.10
Release ticket: 14575
Release report: Entities 16.2b
What's Changed
- 14788 Save and resume IA not saving the Records office info by @jonathan-longe in #496
- 14798 Added applicant information (partial) by @severinbeauvais in #497
- 14798 Added applicant information (incremental) by @severinbeauvais in #499
- 14798 Changed restorations to use "registration" people-roles components + misc updates (incremental) by @severinbeauvais in #500
- 14429 Filing Survey dialog (incremental) by @severinbeauvais in #501
- 14964 - bump CourtOrderPoa to v3.0.0 by @jonathan-longe in #502
- 14429 Filing Survey dialog and launch filing survey by @severinbeauvais in #503
- 14429 Misc filing survey fixes by @severinbeauvais in #504
- 14429 Misc filing survey UI/UX updates by @severinbeauvais in #505
Full Changelog: 4.5.1...4.5.10
Business Create UI 4.5.1
Release ticket: 14576
Release report: Entities 16.1a
What's Changed
- 14789 Create UI throwing schema error when court order is not entered by @jonathan-longe in #495
- 14635 Framework changes for restoration filings by @severinbeauvais in #492
- 14635 Cleanup before future work by @severinbeauvais in #493
Full Changelog: 4.4.3...4.5.1
Business Create UI 4.4.3
Release ticket: 14574
Release report: Entities 15.6b
What's Changed
- 14545 Upper case display for Corp Name Translation by @lambert-alex in #491
Full Changelog: 4.4.2...4.4.3
Business Create UI 4.4.2
Release ticket 14573
Release Report 15.6a
What's Changed
- 14147-Update Incorporation Agreement and Article help by @ketaki-deodhar in #483
- 14285 Update BC Limited sample incorporation agreement pdf by @lambert-alex in #489
Full Changelog: 4.4.1...4.4.2
Business Create UI Release 4.4.1
Release ticket # 14463
Release report
What's Changed
- 14473-CCC, ULC BEN, BC Incorporation agreement step is not reflected correctly in Review and Confirm step by @ketaki-deodhar in #488
- 14429 Enabled Hotjar by @severinbeauvais in #487
- 14505 Removed SP from business lookup by @severinbeauvais in #484
- 14403 Capitalized NR status by @severinbeauvais in #482
- 14403 Cleaned up NR handling by @severinbeauvais in #481
- 14148 Insert Court Order and Plan of Arrangement section for ULC by @ketaki-deodhar #480
Business Create UI 4.3.17
Release ticket # 14368
Release report
What's Changed
- 14145 fix incorrect pdf names update checkbox for ccc and add bc limited pdf by @lambert-alex in #478
- 14145 fix title "_corportation_agreement" to "_incorporation_agreement" by @lambert-alex in #479
Full Changelog: 4.3.13...4.3.17
Business Create UI 4.3.13
Release ticket # 14242
Release report
What's Changed
- 13345 Fix name translation length + UI fixes by @severinbeauvais in #471
- 13445 Changes backported from Edit UI + small fixes by @severinbeauvais in #473
- 14140 Delete Statements Altogether by @lewischenstudio in #472
Full Changelog: 4.3.10...4.3.13