Releases: bcgov/business-edit-ui
Business Edit UI 4.11.7
Release ticket: #24408
Release report: Entities Sprint 23.5a Release
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 4.11.6...4.11.7
Business Edit UI 4.11.6
Release ticket: #24408
Release report: Entities Sprint 23.3b Release
What's Changed
- 24084 - Alteration Name/Type Change Logic by @ArwenQin in #596
- 24041 Fix alteration of company type issues by @leodube-aot in #597
- 22639 - Update Certify Section Wording by @ArwenQin in #598
Full Changelog: 4.11.3...4.11.6
Business Edit UI 4.11.3
Release ticket: #24287
Release report: Entities Sprint 23.3a Release
What's Changed
- 24040 Fix Alteration of Company Type Options for BEN/CBEN by @meawong in #593
- 23971 - allow editable certify legal name by @eason-pan-bc in #594
- Allow BEN/CBEN to CC/CCC Alteration by @meawong in #595
New Contributors
- @meawong made their first contribution in #593
- @eason-pan-bc made their first contribution in #594
Full Changelog: 4.11.0...4.11.3
Business Edit UI v4.11.0
Release ticket: #23844
Release report: Entities Sprint 23.2b Release
What's Changed
- 24001 Updated CI/CD scripts by @severinbeauvais in #592
Full Changelog: 4.10.12...4.11.0
Business Edit UI v4.10.12
Release ticket # 23561
Release report: Entities Sprint 22.7b Release
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 4.10.11...4.10.12
Business Edit UI v4.10.11
Release ticket # 23374
Release report: Entities Sprint 22.7a Release
What's Changed
- 16500 - Fixed Restoration People Section Bug by @ArwenQin in #588
- Replace auth-api URL to point to the new instance by @ketaki-deodhar in #589
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 4.10.10...4.10.11
Business Edit UI v4.10.10
Release Ticket: # 23122
Release Report: Entities Sprint 22.6b Release
What's Changed
- 23187 Fixed resolution dates not populated in correction by @severinbeauvais in #586
- 16079 Fixed Approval Type component and other bugs by @severinbeauvais in #587
Full Changelog: 4.10.8...4.10.10
Business Edit UI v4.10.8
Release ticket # 23058
Release report: Entities Sprint 22.6a Release
What's Changed
- 22978 Fixed original filing date decoding by @severinbeauvais in #584
- 20624 Fixed special resolution error on exit by @severinbeauvais in #585
Full Changelog: 4.10.6...4.10.8
Business Edit UI v4.10.6
Release ticket # 23062
Release report: Entities 22.5b
What's Changed
- 22677 Deleted Benefit Company Statements by @severinbeauvais in #583
Full Changelog: 4.10.5...4.10.6
Business Edit UI v4.10.5
Release ticket: #22664
Release report: Entities Sprint 22.4a Release
What's Changed
- 22479 Added special handling for cont in entity types by @severinbeauvais in #582
Full Changelog: 4.10.4...4.10.5