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Scheduled cleanup unused images #44

Scheduled cleanup unused images

Scheduled cleanup unused images #44

name: Scheduled cleanup unused images
- cron: '0 0 * * 0'
# At 00:00 on Sunday.
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Log in to Openshift
uses: redhat-actions/[email protected]
openshift_server_url: ${{ secrets.OPENSHIFT_SERVER }}
openshift_token: ${{ secrets.OPENSHIFT_TOKEN }}
insecure_skip_tls_verify: true
namespace: ${{ env.TOOLS_NAMESPACE }}
- name: cleanup-images
continue-on-error: true
run: |
# This script will delete all image tags for both frontend and backend except the one being referenced
# The sample of search_string is cthub-backend:0.2.0-20240403221450
# The sample of oc_output could include
# cthub-backend:0.2.0-20240403210040
# cthub-backend:0.2.0-20240403211844
# cthub-backend:0.2.0-20240403221450
# The script will remove the first two image tags
delete_resources() {
local search_string="$1"
local oc_output="$2"
local namepace="$3"
# Check if the oc_output is empty
if [ -z "$oc_output" ]; then
echo "Error: No output provided."
return 1
# Loop through each line in the oc output
while IFS= read -r line; do
# Check if the line contains the search string
if [[ "$line" != *"$search_string"* ]]; then
# Extract the name of the resource from the line
resource_name=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $1}')
# Delete the resource
oc -n "$namepace" delete imagetag/"$resource_name"
done <<< "$oc_output"
# Define the search string
search_string=$(oc -n ${{ secrets.OPENSHIFT_NAMESPACE_PLATE }}-dev describe deploymentconfig/cthub-dev-backend | grep Image | awk -F '/' '{print $NF}')
# Run the oc command and store the output in a variable
oc_output=$(oc -n ${{ secrets.OPENSHIFT_NAMESPACE_PLATE }}-dev get imagetags | grep cthub-backend | awk '{print $1}')
namespace="${{ secrets.OPENSHIFT_NAMESPACE_PLATE }}-dev"
echo "Will delete all cthub-bakcend image tags in ${{ secrets.OPENSHIFT_NAMESPACE_PLATE }}-dev except $search_string"
delete_resources "$search_string" "$oc_output" "$namespace"
# Define the search string
search_string=$(oc -n ${{ secrets.OPENSHIFT_NAMESPACE_PLATE }}-dev describe deployment/cthub-dev-frontend | grep Image | awk -F '/' '{print $NF}')
# Run the oc command and store the output in a variable
oc_output=$(oc -n ${{ secrets.OPENSHIFT_NAMESPACE_PLATE }}-dev get imagetags | grep cthub-frontend | awk '{print $1}')
echo "Will delete all cthub-frontend image tags in ${{ secrets.OPENSHIFT_NAMESPACE_PLATE }}-dev except $search_string"
namespace="${{ secrets.OPENSHIFT_NAMESPACE_PLATE }}-dev"
delete_resources "$search_string" "$oc_output" "$namespace"
echo "will delete images in tools env"
frontendimages=$(oc -n ${{ secrets.OPENSHIFT_NAMESPACE_PLATE }}-tools get imagetags | grep cthub-frontend | awk '{print $1}')
if [ ! -z "$frontendimages" ]; then
oc -n ${{ secrets.OPENSHIFT_NAMESPACE_PLATE }}-tools get imagetags | grep cthub-frontend | awk '{print $1}' | xargs oc -n ${{ secrets.OPENSHIFT_NAMESPACE_PLATE }}-tools delete imagetag
backendimages=$(oc -n ${{ secrets.OPENSHIFT_NAMESPACE_PLATE }}-tools get imagetags | grep cthub-backend | awk '{print $1}')
if [ ! -z "$backendimages" ]; then
oc -n ${{ secrets.OPENSHIFT_NAMESPACE_PLATE }}-tools get imagetags | grep cthub-backend | awk '{print $1}' | xargs oc -n ${{ secrets.OPENSHIFT_NAMESPACE_PLATE }}-tools delete imagetag
echo "Cleaning up Completed pods on Dev except CrunchyDB pods"
oc -n ${{ secrets.OPENSHIFT_NAMESPACE_PLATE }}-dev get pods | grep Completed | grep -v crunchy | awk '{print $1}' | xargs oc -n ${{ secrets.OPENSHIFT_NAMESPACE_PLATE }}-dev delete pod || true
echo "Cleaning up Complete and Failed builds on Tools"
oc -n ${{ secrets.OPENSHIFT_NAMESPACE_PLATE }}-tools get builds | grep Complete | awk '{print $1}' | xargs oc -n ${{ secrets.OPENSHIFT_NAMESPACE_PLATE }}-tools delete build || true
oc -n ${{ secrets.OPENSHIFT_NAMESPACE_PLATE }}-tools get builds | grep Failed | awk '{print $1}' | xargs oc -n ${{ secrets.OPENSHIFT_NAMESPACE_PLATE }}-tools delete build || true
echo "Cleaning up buildconfigs on Tools"
oc -n ${{ secrets.OPENSHIFT_NAMESPACE_PLATE }}-tools get buildconfig | awk '{print $1}' | xargs oc -n ${{ secrets.OPENSHIFT_NAMESPACE_PLATE }}-tools delete buildconfig || true