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Merge branch 'release-0.2.0' into feat/daniel-update-footer-1528 #1624

Merge branch 'release-0.2.0' into feat/daniel-update-footer-1528

Merge branch 'release-0.2.0' into feat/daniel-update-footer-1528 #1624

# # Workflow starts automatically on push or can be triggered manually.
# # This is a desirable pattern as it allows for adhoc test runs without a code push
# name: Cypress tests
# on: [push, workflow_dispatch]
# # on:
# # push:
# # branches:
# # - 'release-0.2.0'
# # pull_request:
# # workflow_dispatch:
# jobs:
# cypress-run:
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# # In order for Cypress to run well, it needs to be fed the needed parameters.
# # The below is a mix of Cypress environment variables (All capital) and ones that are needed for this specific set of scripts (Mix of capital and lowercase)
# env:
# admin_idir_username: ${{ secrets.ADMIN_IDIR_USERNAME }},
# admin_idir_password: ${{ secrets.ADMIN_IDIR_PASSWORD }},
# org1_bceid_username: ${{ secrets.ORG1_BCEID_USERNAME }},
# org1_bceid_password: ${{ secrets.ORG1_BCEID_PASSWORD }},
# org1_bceid_id: ${{ secrets.ORG1_BCEID_ID }},
# org1_bceid_userId: ${{ secrets.ORG1_BCEID_USERID }},
# org2_bceid_username: ${{ secrets.ORG2_BCEID_USERNAME }},
# org2_bceid_password: ${{ secrets.ORG2_BCEID_PASSWORD }},
# org2_bceid_id: ${{ secrets.ORG2_BCEID_ID }},
# org2_bceid_userId: ${{ secrets.ORG2_BCEID_USERID }}
# steps:
# # Checkout the PR branch
# - name: Checkout Target Branch
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# # We are cache-ing our node modules to slightly speed up execution in the future.
# - name: Cache node modules
# id: cache-npm
# uses: actions/cache@v4
# env:
# cache-name: cache-node-modules
# with:
# # npm cache files are stored in `~/.npm` on Linux/macOS
# path: ~/.npm
# key: ${{ runner.os }}-build-${{ env.cache-name }}-${{ hashFiles('**/package-lock.json') }}
# restore-keys: |
# ${{ runner.os }}-build-${{ env.cache-name }}-
# ${{ runner.os }}-build-
# ${{ runner.os }}-
# - if: ${{ steps.cache-npm.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' }}
# name: List the state of node modules
# continue-on-error: true
# run: npm list
# - name: Install dependencies
# run: sudo apt-get install -y libgtk2.0-0 libgtk-3-0 libgbm-dev
# # Many solutions have an API and APP that start fairly slow (specifically when not many resources are available).
# # Since the APP needs the API and Cypress needs the APP, we first have to test if the API is running and accessible.
# # Often an OK from the OpenShift deploy does not automatically mean that the API/APP is functional and/or reachable.
# # We like to use a straightforward CURL command, which we have included as a script in this repo.
# # - name: Wait for API response
# # env:
# # url: ${{ secrets.CYPRESS_API_HOST }}
# # code: 200 # The HTML Code we expect to get back
# # wait_time: 10 # Wait time in seconds between each attempt total wait time = wait_time * max_attempts
# # max_attempts: 5
# # run: |
# # cd frontend
# # chmod +x
# # bash ./
# # - name: Wait for APP response
# # env:
# # url: ${{ secrets.CYPRESS_HOST }}
# # code: 200
# # wait_time: 10
# # max_attempts: 5
# # run: |
# # cd frontend
# # chmod +x
# # bash ./
# # This is the actual Cypress action, invoked with a set of extra parameters.
# # Wait-on/wait-on-timeout: This is the Cypress way of waiting for a response from the application under test, but it does not address the API readiness hence the above Waits.
# # record: Switches on recording to the cloud-based Cypress dahsboard
# # install-command: Since we are forcing our libraries (keycloak) to be installed because of version issues, we have to specify "npm ci -f" to install as the normal "npm ci" would results in errors.
# # If you do not run additional libraries or forced the libraries to install, the this option can be left out.
# # working-directory: points to where you test scripts are located
# # browser: Specifies which browser you want to use. The default is 'Electron', but we would typically user 'Chrome' as this represent the majority of our users.
# # ci-build-id: to communicate the PR/Build number to the Cypress Dashboard
# # - name: E2E Smoke tests
# # uses: cypress-io/github-action@v6
# # # let's give this action an ID so we can refer
# # # to its output values later
# # id: smoke
# # continue-on-error: false
# # with:
# # wait-on: ${{ secrets.CYPRESS_HOST }}
# # wait-on-timeout: 120
# # start: npm run cypress:dev
# # install-command: npm ci -f
# # working-directory: frontend
# # browser: chrome
# # ci-build-id: ${{ github.event.number }}
# - name: Install Dependencies
# run: npm ci -f
# working-directory: frontend
# - name: Run Cypress Tests
# run: npm run cypress:dev
# working-directory: frontend
# - name: Debug Cypress Run
# if: failure()
# run: cat /home/runner/work/lcfs/lcfs/frontend/cypress/reports/*.json
# - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
# if: failure()
# with:
# name: cypress-screenshots
# path: /home/runner/work/lcfs/lcfs/frontend/cypress/screenshots
# # For review/debug purposes, just print out key parameters
# - name: Print Env Vars
# run: |
# echo Git Base Ref: ${{ github.base_ref }}
# echo Git Change ID: ${{ github.event.number }}