Pre-releaseOperational Scripts
- 0000_add_government_organization.py
- 0001_add_vehicle_makes.py
- 0002_add_vehicle_classes.py
- 0003_add_vehicle_fuel_types.py
- 0004_add_model_years.py
- 0005_add_plugin_hybrid_vehicles.py
- 0006_add_battery_electric_vehicles.py
PR #31 Submit vehicle info backend
1 class 1 model
Frontend BaseController for common functionality like handle input change
Fixed token renewal from the front-end
Connected front-end to back-end, but since the fields are just regular input fields
General code cleanup
Please note the rename of the capitalization change for named.py
Updated DB comments
PR #35 Added dropdowns to the form that are prefilled with data from the dat…
created viewsets and serializers with make, model, year, trim, type
frontend :
axios call to backend in vehicle add container file
added dropdown component to form, filled with data from axios call
PR #34 Review eligibility requests
Remove validated in favour of state enum [NEW, DRAFT, SUBMITTED, VALIDATED, REJECTED]
Create history table and basic authorization checks
state_change detail route and serializer
maintain history of state changes (basic UI exposed for now)
export possible status changes as actions field of returned vehicle dict
PR #37 Backend Cleanup / Scaffolding
Remove unused Django middleware (Admin, Sessions)
Add database table auditing triggers and corresponding migration action (similar to TFRS)
Setup Celery and RabbitMQ (works in skaffold and the configuration is substantially similar to TFRS)
Add health check endpoint (http://django/health) for Openshift health monitoring (if it returns HTTP 200, all is well. No authentication required).
Made Django logging configuration useful
PR #39 Validate
action bar for government user
checkboxes for vehicle validation, only checkable by government
axios patch that updates db with validated vehicles
PR #36 List approved vehicles
Added relationship table between vehicle_make and organization
Minor code cleanup
ZEVA-21 Auto supplier - view approved (eligible) ZEV model information
PR #38 Vehicle migration
This is to let people review and see the upcoming changes to the vehicle table
Vehicle Table structure changes
Renaming some of the Models to be more descriptive
Fixtures for Make, Fuel Types, Vehicle Class and Vehicles based on the NRCAN data
ZEVA-58 Import relevant ZEV model data - MY2019
Database Migrations
- 0009_auto_20200120_2005.py
- 0010_auto_20200120_0636.py
- 0011_vehiclechangehistory.py
- 0012_auto_20200120_0659.py
- 0013_vehiclechangehistory_at.py
- 0014_setup_auditing.py
- 0015_vehiclemakeorganization.py
- 0016_auto_20200127_1213.py