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Merge pull request #29 from bcube-project/grad_lazyop
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Gradient for operators
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ghislainb authored Dec 18, 2023
2 parents b6ff3f8 + 5d24c2f commit 8cf3887
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Showing 5 changed files with 165 additions and 25 deletions.
65 changes: 44 additions & 21 deletions src/algebra/gradient.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,10 +21,30 @@ function LazyOperators.materialize(
Gradient(f, cPoint)

function LazyOperators.materialize(
lOp::Gradient{O, <:Tuple{AbstractLazy}},
) where {O}
f, = get_args(lOp)
Gradient(f, cPoint)

Materialization of a `Gradient` on a `CellPoint`. Only valid for a function and a `CellPoint` defined on
the reference domain.
# Implementation
The user writes mathematical expressions in the PhysicalDomain. So the gradient always represents the derivation
with respect to the physical domain spatial coordinates, even if evaluated on a point expressed in the ReferenceDomain.
The current Gradient implementation consists in applying ForwardDiff on the given operator 'u', on a point in the
ReferenceDomain. That is to say, we compute ForwarDiff.derivative(ξ -> u ∘ F, ξ) (where F is the identity if u is defined
is the ReferenceDomain). This gives ∇(u ∘ F)(ξ) = t∇(F)(ξ) * ∇(u)(F(x)).
However, we only want ∇(u)(F(x)) : that's why a multiplication by the transpose of the inverse mapping jacobian is needed.
An alternative approach would be to apply ForwardDiff in the PhysicalDomain : ForwarDiff.derivative(x -> u ∘ F^-1, x). The
problem is that the inverse mapping F^-1 is not always defined.
# Maths notes
We use the following convention for any function f:R^n->R^p : ∇f is a tensor/matrix equal to ∂fi/∂xj. However when f
is a scalar function, i.e f:R^n -> R, then ∇f is a column vector (∂f/∂x1, ∂f/∂x2, ...).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -77,19 +97,31 @@ TODO:
* improve formulae with a reshape
* Specialize for a ShapeFunction to use the hardcoded version instead of ForwardDiff
function Gradient(
cnodes = get_cellnodes(cPoint)
ctype = get_celltype(cPoint)
ξ = get_coord(cPoint)
f = get_function(cellFunction)
m = mapping_jacobian_inv(cnodes, ctype, ξ)
_Gradient(cellFunction(cPoint), f, ξ, m)
function Gradient(op::AbstractLazy, cPoint::CellPoint{ReferenceDomain})
m = mapping_jacobian_inv(get_cellnodes(cPoint), get_celltype(cPoint), get_coord(cPoint))
f(ξ) = op(CellPoint(ξ, get_cellinfo(cPoint), ReferenceDomain()))
valS = _size_codomain(f, get_coord(cPoint))
return _gradient(valS, f, get_coord(cPoint), m)

# ForwarDiff applied in the PhysicalDomain : not viable because
# the inverse mapping is not always known.
# cPoint_phys = change_domain(cPoint, PhysicalDomain())
# f(ξ) = op(CellPoint(ξ, get_cellinfo(cPoint_phys), PhysicalDomain()))
# fx = f(get_coord(cPoint_phys))
# return _gradient_or_jacobian(Val(length(fx)), f, get_coord(cPoint_phys))

_size_codomain(f, x) = Val(length(f(x)))
_size_codomain(f::AbstractCellFunction, x) = Val(get_size(f))

_gradient(::Val{1}, f, ξ::AbstractArray, m) = transpose(m) * ForwardDiff.gradient(f, ξ)
_gradient(::Val{S}, f, ξ::AbstractArray, m) where {S} = ForwardDiff.jacobian(f, ξ) * m

function Gradient(op::AbstractLazy, cPoint::CellPoint{PhysicalDomain})
f(x) = op(CellPoint(x, cPoint.cellinfo, PhysicalDomain()))
valS = _size_codomain(f, get_coord(cPoint))
return _gradient_or_jacobian(valS, f, get_coord(cPoint))
_Gradient(::Real, f, ξ::AbstractArray, m) = transpose(m) * ForwardDiff.gradient(f, ξ)
_Gradient(::AbstractArray, f, ξ::AbstractArray, m) = ForwardDiff.jacobian(f, ξ) * m

function Gradient(
Expand All @@ -103,15 +135,6 @@ function Gradient(
MapOver(grad_shape_functionsNA(fs, n, ctype, cnodes, ξ))

function Gradient(
cellFunction::AbstractCellFunction{<:PhysicalDomain, S},
) where {S}
f = get_function(cellFunction)
x = change_domain(cPoint, PhysicalDomain()) # transparent if already in PhysicalDomain
return _gradient_or_jacobian(Val(S), f, get_coord(x))

# dispatch on codomain size :
_gradient_or_jacobian(::Val{1}, f, x) = ForwardDiff.gradient(f, x)
_gradient_or_jacobian(::Val{S}, f, x) where {S} = ForwardDiff.jacobian(f, x)
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/mapping/mapping.jl
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Expand Up @@ -53,6 +53,9 @@ end
Jacobian matrix of the inverse mapping : ``\\dfrac{\\partial F_i^{-1}}{\\partial x_j}``
Contrary to `mapping_jacobian_inv`, this function is not always defined because the
inverse mapping, F^-1, is not always defined.
# Implementation
Default version using LinearAlgebra to inverse the matrix, but can be specified for each shape (if it exists).
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/mesh/mesh_generator.jl
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Expand Up @@ -624,14 +624,14 @@ function transform!(mesh::AbstractMesh, fun)

translate(mesh::AbstractMesh, t::Vector{Float64})
translate(mesh::AbstractMesh, t::AbstractVector)
Translate the input mesh with vector `t`.
Usefull for debugging.
translate(mesh::AbstractMesh, t::AbstractVector{Float64}) = transform(mesh, x -> x + t)
translate!(mesh::AbstractMesh, t::AbstractVector{Float64}) = transform!(mesh, x -> x + t)
translate(mesh::AbstractMesh, t::AbstractVector) = transform(mesh, x -> x + t)
translate!(mesh::AbstractMesh, t::AbstractVector) = transform!(mesh, x -> x + t)

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11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions test/mapping/test_mapping.jl
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@test isapprox_arrays(mapping_inv(n, ct, x3), SA[1.0, 1.0]; rtol = tol)
@test isapprox_arrays(mapping_inv(n, ct, x4), SA[-1.0, 1.0]; rtol = tol)

θ = π / 5
s = 3
t = SA[-1, 2]
R(θ) = SA[cos(θ) -sin(θ); sin(θ) cos(θ)]
mesh = one_cell_mesh(:quad)
mesh = transform(mesh, x -> R(θ) * (s .* x .+ t)) # scale, translate and rotate
c = CellInfo(mesh, 1)
cnodes = nodes(c)
ctype = Bcube.celltype(c)
@test all(mapping_jacobian_inv(cnodes, ctype, SA[0.0, 0.0]) .≈ R(-θ) ./ s)

# Quad order 2
xmin, ymin = -rand(2)
xmax, ymax = rand(2)
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105 changes: 104 additions & 1 deletion test/operator/test_algebra.jl
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Expand Up @@ -69,7 +69,110 @@
∇f = PhysicalFunction(x -> ForwardDiff.jacobian(_f, x), (sizeU, spacedim(mesh)))
= Measure(CellDomain(mesh), 3)
l(v) = (tr((f) - ∇f) v)dΩ
@test assemble_linear(l, V) == [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
_a = assemble_linear(l, V)
@test all(isapprox.(_a, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]; atol = 100 * eps()))

@testset "AbstractLazy" begin
mesh = one_cell_mesh(:quad)
scale!(mesh, 3.0)
translate!(mesh, [4.0, 0.0])
U_sca = TrialFESpace(FunctionSpace(:Lagrange, 1), mesh)
U_vec = TrialFESpace(FunctionSpace(:Lagrange, 1), mesh; size = 2)
V_sca = TestFESpace(U_sca)
V_vec = TestFESpace(U_vec)
u_sca = FEFunction(U_sca)
u_vec = FEFunction(U_vec)
= Measure(CellDomain(mesh), 2)
projection_l2!(u_sca, PhysicalFunction(x -> 3 * x[1] - 4x[2]), dΩ)
PhysicalFunction(x -> SA[2x[1] + 5x[2], 4x[1] - 3x[2]]),

l1(v) = ((* u_sca) (2 * u_sca)) v)dΩ
l2(v) = (((u_sca) (u_sca)) v)dΩ

a1_sca = assemble_linear(l1, V_sca)
a2_sca = assemble_linear(l2, V_sca)
@test all(a1_sca .≈ (2π .* a2_sca))

V_vec = TestFESpace(U_vec)
l1_vec(v) = ((* u_vec) * u_vec) v)dΩ
l2_vec(v) = (((u_vec) * u_vec) v)dΩ
a1_vec = assemble_linear(l1_vec, V_vec)
a2_vec = assemble_linear(l2_vec, V_vec)
@test all(a1_vec .≈.* a2_vec))

# Testing without assemble_*linear
θ = π / 5
s = 3
t = SA[-1, 2]
R = SA[cos(θ) -sin(θ); sin(θ) cos(θ)]
mesh = one_cell_mesh(:quad)

transform!(mesh, x -> R * (s .* x .+ t)) # scale, translate and rotate

# Select a cell and get its info
c = CellInfo(mesh, 1)
cnodes = nodes(c)
ctype = Bcube.celltype(c)
F = mapping(cnodes, ctype)
# tJinv = transpose(R ./ s) # if we want the analytic one...
tJinv(ξ) = transpose(mapping_jacobian_inv(cnodes, ctype, ξ))

# Test 1
u1 = PhysicalFunction(x -> x[1])
u2 = PhysicalFunction(x -> x[2])
u_a = u1 * u1 + 2 * u1 * u2 + u2 * u2 * u2
u_b = PhysicalFunction(x -> x[1]^2 + 2 * x[1] * x[2] + x[2]^3)
∇u_ana = x -> SA[2 * (x[1] + x[2]); 2 * x[1] + 3 * x[2]^2]

ξ = Bcube.CellPoint(SA[0.5, -0.1], c, Bcube.ReferenceDomain())
x = Bcube.change_domain(ξ, Bcube.PhysicalDomain())
∇u = ∇u_ana(Bcube.get_coord(x))
∇u_a_ref = Bcube.materialize((u_a), ξ)
∇u_b_ref = Bcube.materialize((u_b), ξ)
∇u_a_phy = Bcube.materialize((u_a), x)
∇u_b_phy = Bcube.materialize((u_b), x)
@test all(∇u_a_ref .≈ ∇u)
@test all(∇u_b_ref .≈ ∇u)
@test all(∇u_a_phy .≈ ∇u)
@test all(∇u_b_phy .≈ ∇u)

# Test 2
u1 = ReferenceFunction-> ξ[1])
u2 = ReferenceFunction-> ξ[2])
u_a = u1 * u1 + 2 * u1 * u2 + u2 * u2 * u2
u_b = ReferenceFunction-> ξ[1]^2 + 2 * ξ[1] * ξ[2] + ξ[2]^3)
∇u_ana = ξ -> SA[2 * (ξ[1] + ξ[2]); 2 * ξ[1] + 3 * ξ[2]^2]

x = Bcube.CellPoint(SA[0.5, -0.1], c, Bcube.PhysicalDomain())
ξ = Bcube.change_domain(x, Bcube.ReferenceDomain()) # not always possible, but ok of for quad
∇u = ∇u_ana(Bcube.get_coord(ξ))
_tJinv = tJinv(Bcube.get_coord(ξ))
∇u_a_ref = Bcube.materialize((u_a), ξ)
∇u_b_ref = Bcube.materialize((u_b), ξ)
∇u_a_phy = Bcube.materialize((u_a), x)
∇u_b_phy = Bcube.materialize((u_b), x)
@test all(∇u_a_ref .≈ _tJinv * ∇u)
@test all(∇u_b_ref .≈ _tJinv * ∇u)
@test all(∇u_a_phy .≈ _tJinv * ∇u)
@test all(∇u_b_phy .≈ _tJinv * ∇u)

# Test 3
u_phy = PhysicalFunction(x -> x[1]^2 + 2 * x[1] * x[2] + x[2]^3)
u_ref = ReferenceFunction-> ξ[1]^2 + 2 * ξ[1] * ξ[2] + ξ[2]^3)
∇u_ana = t -> SA[2 * (t[1] + t[2]); 2 * t[1] + 3 * t[2]^2]

ξ = Bcube.CellPoint(SA[0.5, -0.1], c, Bcube.ReferenceDomain())
x = Bcube.change_domain(ξ, Bcube.PhysicalDomain())
∇u_ref = ∇u_ana(Bcube.get_coord(ξ))
∇u_phy = ∇u_ana(Bcube.get_coord(x))
_tJinv = tJinv(Bcube.get_coord(ξ))
@test all(Bcube.materialize((u_phy + u_ref), ξ) .≈ ∇u_phy + _tJinv * ∇u_ref)
@test all(Bcube.materialize((u_phy + u_ref), x) .≈ ∇u_phy + _tJinv * ∇u_ref)

@testset "algebra" begin
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