convert Betterment .csv file to Quicken-importable .ofx
# set up
virtualenv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
# run it
python <transaction.csv>
To make this 10x useful, it would need a UI of some sort. Let's see if we can use the free tier of GAE to host this. If not, Chrome App would be a good choice, too. (especially for the paranoid)
OK, everyone starts with Googling what they want. Not surprising, I did find ofxstatement and ofxstatement-betterment plugin.
Well, it didn't work. (Otherwise I wouldn't be creating this repo)
upwork-qfx was the first one that I spotted where I can generate
an OFX that Quicken likes. By line-by-line comparison, it proved my suspicion that Quicken doesn't like some
perfectly-conforming OFX for some reason. It's the <INTU.BID>
element! You can either download
a Web Connect statement from some banks to obtain the number, or just do more Googling.