A simulator for 5 stage APEX out-of-order cpu pipeline with data forwarding. Pipeline design includes unified physical register file with 48 registers, a 64-entry reorder buffer and a centralized issue queue (IQ) with 24 entries. Pipeline Stages are: Fetch, Decode, Execute, Memory and Writeback. Function Units: 1) JBU1 & JBU2 (for handling branch instructions). 2) INTU (for integer and logical operations) 3) MUL (for integer multiplication with 3 cycle latency) 4) M1 and M2 (for memory operations).
make all
./apex_sim <input_file_name>
[initialize | init] - to initialize cpu
[s|Simulate <count>] - to simulate <count> cycles
[d|Display] - to display stage contents
[showmem <address>] - to show contents in memory <address>
[PrintROB | print_rob] - to print contents of ROB
[PrintIQ | print_iq] - to print contents of Issue Queue
[n|next] - proceed by one cycle