Descritpion for KryptKnack
What is KrypoKnack? KryptoKnack is a web-application for cryptography, which is part of the following bachelor project developed for pupils aged between ten and fourteen. The application is dedicated for the subject digital education (“Digitale Grundbildung”) to illustrate data privacy preserving methods. Thus, KryptoKnack provides different encodings techniques where pupils can encrypt and decrypt cyphertext playfully learning about potential security risks and challenges. Furthermore, the application´s intention is to illustrate different mathematical theories too. The topics Functional Dependencies, Counting and Relative Frequency, as well as Computational Thinking are covered by the web-application to provide pupils with practical examples. In addition to the didactical implementation, the paper describes the software´s system concept in detail. In particular, this part includes software verification classified by the levels of testing according to the concept "A new Approach to Software Verification“ published by David J.Panzel and evaluates the system's compliance.
It utilizes Spring Boot with:
- all relevant Spring Framework
- embedded Tomcat
- support for PrimeFaces
- support for IText
- support for JUnit
- Apache Maven
- XHTML, Javascript and CSS
Just execute "mvn spring-boot:run" to start the KryptoKnack on your server. (Maven and Java JDK8 is necessary).