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fix cross-module schema/version declaration behaviors (#66)
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jrevels authored Nov 4, 2022
1 parent 30a2dad commit bae8a4f
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Showing 3 changed files with 114 additions and 79 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "Legolas"
uuid = "741b9549-f6ed-4911-9fbf-4a1c0c97f0cd"
authors = ["Beacon Biosignals, Inc."]
version = "0.5.1"
version = "0.5.2"

Arrow = "69666777-d1a9-59fb-9406-91d4454c9d45"
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141 changes: 72 additions & 69 deletions src/schemas.jl
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Expand Up @@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ abstract type AbstractRecord <: Tables.AbstractRow end
##### `@schema`

schema_name_from_prefix(::Val) = nothing
_schema_declared_in_module(::Val) = nothing

@schema "name" Prefix
Expand All @@ -316,7 +316,18 @@ macro schema(schema_name, schema_prefix)
is_valid_schema_name(schema_name) || return :(throw(ArgumentError("`name` provided to `@schema` is not a valid `Legolas.SchemaVersion` name: \"" * $schema_name * "\"")))
schema_prefix isa Symbol || return :(throw(ArgumentError(string("`Prefix` provided to `@schema` is not a valid type name: ", $(Base.Meta.quot(schema_prefix))))))
return quote
Legolas.schema_name_from_prefix(::Val{$(Base.Meta.quot(schema_prefix))}) = $schema_name
# This approach provides some safety against accidentally replacing another module's schema's name,
# without making it annoying to reload code/modules in an interactice development context.
m = Legolas._schema_declared_in_module(Val(Symbol($schema_name)))
if m isa Module && string(m) != string(@__MODULE__)
throw(ArgumentError(string("A schema with this name was already declared by a different module: ", m)))
Legolas._schema_declared_in_module(::Val{Symbol($schema_name)}) = @__MODULE__
if !isdefined(@__MODULE__, :__legolas_schema_name_from_prefix__)
$(esc(:__legolas_schema_name_from_prefix__))(::Val) = nothing
$(esc(:__legolas_schema_name_from_prefix__))(::Val{$(Base.Meta.quot(schema_prefix))}) = $(Base.Meta.quot(Symbol(schema_name)))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -344,6 +355,9 @@ function Base.showerror(io::IO, e::SchemaVersionDeclarationError)
- `@version` declarations must list at least one required field,
and must not list duplicate fields within the same declaration.
- New versions of a given schema may only be declared within the same
module that declared the schema.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -379,14 +393,6 @@ function _has_valid_child_field_types(child_fields::NamedTuple, parent_fields::N
return true

_validate_wrt_parent(::NamedTuple, ::Nothing) = nothing

function _validate_wrt_parent(child_fields::NamedTuple, parent::SchemaVersion)
declared(parent) || throw(SchemaVersionDeclarationError("parent schema version cannot be used before it has been declared: $parent"))
_has_valid_child_field_types(child_fields, required_fields(parent)) || throw(SchemaVersionDeclarationError("declared field types violate parent's field types"))
return nothing

function _check_for_expected_field(schema::Tables.Schema, name::Symbol, ::Type{T}) where {T}
i = findfirst(==(name), schema.names)
if isnothing(i)
Expand All @@ -397,6 +403,23 @@ function _check_for_expected_field(schema::Tables.Schema, name::Symbol, ::Type{T
return nothing

function _generate_schema_version_definitions(schema_version::SchemaVersion, parent, declared_field_names_types, schema_version_declaration)
identifier_string = string(name(schema_version), '@', version(schema_version))
required_field_names_types = declared_field_names_types
if !isnothing(parent)
identifier_string = string(identifier_string, '>', Legolas.identifier(parent))
required_field_names_types = merge(Legolas.required_fields(parent), required_field_names_types)
quoted_schema_version_type = Base.Meta.quot(typeof(schema_version))
return quote
@inline Legolas.declared(::$quoted_schema_version_type) = true
@inline Legolas.identifier(::$quoted_schema_version_type) = $identifier_string
@inline Legolas.parent(::$quoted_schema_version_type) = $(Base.Meta.quot(parent))
Legolas.required_fields(::$quoted_schema_version_type) = $required_field_names_types
Legolas.declaration(::$quoted_schema_version_type) = $(Base.Meta.quot(schema_version_declaration))

function _generate_validation_definitions(schema_version::SchemaVersion)
field_violation_check_statements = Expr[]
for (fname, ftype) in pairs(required_fields(schema_version))
Expand All @@ -415,7 +438,8 @@ function _generate_validation_definitions(schema_version::SchemaVersion)

function _record_type end # overloaded by `@version`
_record_type_from_schema_version(::Nothing) = nothing
_schema_version_from_record_type(::Nothing) = nothing

# Note also that this function's implementation is allowed to "observe" `Legolas.required_fields(parent)`
# (if a parent exists), but is NOT allowed to "observe" `Legolas.declaration(parent)`, since the latter
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -458,7 +482,7 @@ function _generate_record_type_definitions(schema_version::SchemaVersion, record
parent = Legolas.parent(schema_version)
if !isnothing(parent)
p = gensym()
P = Base.Meta.quot(_record_type(parent))
P = Base.Meta.quot(_record_type_from_schema_version(parent))
parent_record_field_names = keys(required_fields(parent))
parent_record_application = quote
$p = $P(; $(parent_record_field_names...))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -510,7 +534,8 @@ function _generate_record_type_definitions(schema_version::SchemaVersion, record

# generate `arrow_overload_definitions`
record_type_arrow_name = Base.Meta.quot(Symbol("JuliaLang.Legolas.Generated.$R"))
record_type_arrow_name = string("JuliaLang.Legolas.Generated.",, '.', Legolas.version(schema_version))
record_type_arrow_name = Base.Meta.quot(Symbol(record_type_arrow_name))
arrow_overload_definitions = quote
$Arrow.ArrowTypes.arrowname(::Type{<:$R}) = $record_type_arrow_name
$Arrow.ArrowTypes.ArrowType(::Type{R}) where {R<:$R} = NamedTuple{fieldnames(R),Tuple{fieldtypes(R)...}}
Expand All @@ -528,6 +553,8 @@ function _generate_record_type_definitions(schema_version::SchemaVersion, record
Legolas._record_type_from_schema_version(::$(Base.Meta.quot(typeof(schema_version)))) = $R
Legolas._schema_version_from_record_type(::Type{<:$R}) = $schema_version

Expand All @@ -537,16 +564,11 @@ function _parse_record_type_symbol(t::Symbol)
p, v = pv
p = Symbol(p)
v = tryparse(Int, v)
if v isa Int
n = schema_name_from_prefix(Val(p))
n isa String || return SchemaVersionDeclarationError("provided record type symbol references undeclared schema: ", t)
return n, p, v
v isa Int && return (p, v)
return SchemaVersionDeclarationError("provided record type symbol is malformed: ", t)

@version RecordType begin
Expand All @@ -564,7 +586,7 @@ Given a prior `@schema` declaration of the form:
@schema "" Name
...the `n`th version of `` can be declared via a `@version` declaration of the form:
...the `n`th version of `` can be declared in the same module via a `@version` declaration of the form:
@version NameV\$(n) begin
Expand All @@ -578,7 +600,7 @@ necessary definitions to overload relevant Legolas methods with specialized beha
the declared required fields.
If the declared schema version has a parent, it should be specified via the optional `> ParentRecordType`
clause. `ParentRecordType` should refer directly to an existing Legolas-generated record type.
Each `required_field_expression` specifies a required field of the declared schema version, and is an
expression of the form `field::F = rhs` where:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -629,33 +651,20 @@ For more details and examples, please see `Legolas.jl/examples/tour.jl` and the
"Schema-Related Concepts/Conventions" section of the Legolas.jl documentation.
macro version(record_type, required_field_statements)
# parse `record_type`
if record_type isa Symbol
parent_record_type = nothing
elseif record_type isa Expr && record_type.head == :call && length(record_type.args) == 3 &&
record_type.args[1] == :> &&
record_type.args[2] isa Symbol &&
record_type.args[3] isa Symbol
record_type.args[1] == :> && record_type.args[2] isa Symbol
parent_record_type = record_type.args[3]
record_type = record_type.args[2]
return :(throw(SchemaVersionDeclarationError("provided record type expression is malformed: ", $(Base.Meta.quot(record_type)))))

x = _parse_record_type_symbol(record_type)
x isa SchemaVersionDeclarationError && return :(throw($x))
schema_name, _, schema_integer = x
schema_version = SchemaVersion(schema_name, schema_integer)
quoted_schema_version = Base.Meta.quot(schema_version)
quoted_schema_version_type = Base.Meta.quot(typeof(schema_version))
parent = nothing
if !isnothing(parent_record_type)
x = _parse_record_type_symbol(parent_record_type)
x isa SchemaVersionDeclarationError && return :(throw($x))
parent_name, _, parent_integer = x
parent_name == schema_name && return :(throw(SchemaVersionDeclarationError("cannot extend from a different version of the same schema")))
parent = SchemaVersion(parent_name, parent_integer)
quoted_parent = Base.Meta.quot(parent)
schema_prefix, schema_version_integer = x
quoted_schema_prefix = Base.Meta.quot(schema_prefix)

# parse `required_field_statements`
if !(required_field_statements isa Expr && required_field_statements.head == :block && !isempty(required_field_statements.args))
Expand All @@ -675,41 +684,35 @@ macro version(record_type, required_field_statements)
msg = string("cannot have duplicate field names in `@version` declaration; recieved: ", [ for f in required_field_infos])
return :(throw(SchemaVersionDeclarationError($msg)))
field_names_types = Expr(:tuple, (:($( = $(esc(f.type))) for f in required_field_infos)...)

# basic accessor function definitions
full_identifier_string = string(schema_name, '@', schema_integer)
child_identifier_string = full_identifier_string
required_field_names_types = field_names_types
if !isnothing(parent)
full_identifier_string = :(string($full_identifier_string, '>', Legolas.identifier($quoted_parent)))
child_identifier_string = string(child_identifier_string, '>', name(parent), '@', version(parent))
required_field_names_types = :(merge(Legolas.required_fields($quoted_parent), $required_field_names_types))
schema_version_declaration = :($child_identifier_string => copy($(Base.Meta.quot(required_field_infos))))
check_against_declaration = :($child_identifier_string => $(Base.Meta.quot(required_field_infos)))
declared_field_names_types = Expr(:tuple, (:($( = $(esc(f.type))) for f in required_field_infos)...)

return quote
if Legolas.declared($quoted_schema_version) && Legolas.declaration($quoted_schema_version) != $check_against_declaration
throw(SchemaVersionDeclarationError("invalid redeclaration of existing schema version; all `@version` redeclarations must exactly match previous declarations"))
if !isdefined((@__MODULE__), :__legolas_schema_name_from_prefix__)
throw(SchemaVersionDeclarationError("no prior `@schema` declaration found in current module"))
elseif isnothing((@__MODULE__).__legolas_schema_name_from_prefix__(Val($quoted_schema_prefix)))
throw(SchemaVersionDeclarationError(string("missing prior `@schema` declaration for `", $quoted_schema_prefix, "` in current module")))
Legolas._validate_wrt_parent($field_names_types, $quoted_parent)

@inline Legolas.declared(::$quoted_schema_version_type) = true
schema_name = (@__MODULE__).__legolas_schema_name_from_prefix__(Val($quoted_schema_prefix))
schema_version = Legolas.SchemaVersion{schema_name,$schema_version_integer}()
parent = Legolas._schema_version_from_record_type($(esc(parent_record_type)))

@inline Legolas.identifier(::$quoted_schema_version_type) = $full_identifier_string

@inline Legolas.parent(::$quoted_schema_version_type) = $quoted_parent

Legolas.required_fields(::$quoted_schema_version_type) = $required_field_names_types

Legolas.declaration(::$quoted_schema_version_type) = $schema_version_declaration


$(esc(:eval))(Legolas._generate_record_type_definitions($quoted_schema_version, $(Base.Meta.quot(record_type))))

Legolas._record_type(::$quoted_schema_version_type) = $(esc(record_type))
declared_identifier = string(schema_name, '@', $schema_version_integer)
if !isnothing(parent)
declared_identifier = string(declared_identifier, '>',, '@', Legolas.version(parent))
schema_version_declaration = declared_identifier => $(Base.Meta.quot(required_field_infos))

if Legolas.declared(schema_version) && Legolas.declaration(schema_version) != schema_version_declaration
throw(SchemaVersionDeclarationError("invalid redeclaration of existing schema version; all `@version` redeclarations must exactly match previous declarations"))
elseif parent isa Legolas.SchemaVersion && == schema_name
throw(SchemaVersionDeclarationError("cannot extend from another version of the same schema"))
elseif parent isa Legolas.SchemaVersion && !(Legolas._has_valid_child_field_types($declared_field_names_types, Legolas.required_fields(parent)))
throw(SchemaVersionDeclarationError("declared field types violate parent's field types"))
$(esc(:eval))(Legolas._generate_schema_version_definitions(schema_version, parent, $declared_field_names_types, schema_version_declaration))
$(esc(:eval))(Legolas._generate_record_type_definitions(schema_version, $(Base.Meta.quot(record_type))))
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2 comments on commit bae8a4f

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@jrevels jrevels commented on bae8a4f Nov 4, 2022

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