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mcxnowapi Api in python 3.2 for the Crypto exchange market

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mcxnowapi (Version 1.0)

This library provides some method to access at the fuctionnality of crypto exchange market. You can develop your one application based on this Api with Python 3.2 (bot, gui,...).


just the cmd :      python3 install

Module needed :

You need the module requests :

For the samples, pyqt4 and mathplotlib

NOTE: mcxnow is not affiliated with this project; this is a completely independent implementation based on the API description. Use at your own risk.

Donations :

If you find the library useful and would like to donate please send some coins here:

  • BTC : 18ZqmXd8xzUtzAhDXZwBJQgyHV8Rxo7GV1
  • LTC : LVjfq1JNvCX2qHLxTzQoEfRnh4EbdZui51
  • MNC : MA6RGr42cioJsCkAYLt8kV5sxjiNfDh6si
  • SC : sJwUHidU7x5o7kDDxPjXVKbYq3EpLca1iV
  • WDC : Wk4j5PGzUWvm311H6TPcQwK3pzNMZknPjS
  • FTC : 6zVjFJNJwBN3u6esi6uW54z3vY8L3hemCv

Any question, suggestion or help please send a mail to : [email protected]

If you dev something with this api, think about my contribution....

I you see error... please give me a sign !


Documentation :

The main class is McxNowSession.

You can use her for :

  1. Anonymous session or 2) User session.

Class use :

  • S=McxNowSession() : open a anonymous session and give you access to all data from mcxnow but you can trade.

  • S=McxNowSession(username,password) : open a user session and give you access to all public data AND your account : you can trade !!!

The variables are :

  • S.User : class with all user info
  • S.Public : class with all public info
  • S.ErrorCode : error code (see at bottom the code) returned by a methfunction
  • S.Return : after a methfunction call, contain the class or variable returned by the methfunction
  • S.Trading : True if User Session else False

The methfunctions are :

  • Anonymous and user sessions :

S.GetCurrencyBookOrders(cur) :

return a list with BookOrders for the currency cur
    # each element is a pair [$buy$,$sell$]
    # where $buy$ and $sell$ are order in format [$Price$,$Amout$,$AmountBTC$]
    # Remarque : CurrencyBookOrders is in the two variables S.Public.BookBuy.Orders[$currency$] 
    # and S.Public.BookSell.Orders[$currency$] of the class.
    # if return [] then S.ErrorCode give you the errorcode !

S.GetCurrencyHistoryOrders(cur) :

return a list with HistoryOrders for the currency cur
    # each element is a order in format [$Time$,$Type$,$Amout$,$AmountBTC$,$Price$]
    # Remarque : CurrencyHistoryOrders is in the variable S.Public.History.Orders[$currency$] of the class.
    # if return [] then S.ErrorCode give you the errorcode !

S.GetCurrencyInfo(cur) :

return a list with Info for the currency cur
    # each element is a order in format [$Volume$,$VolumeBTC$,$LastPrice$,$PriceLow$,$PriceHigh$]
    # Remarque : CurrencyInfo is in the variable S.Public.Info.Currency[$currency$] of the class.
    # if return [] then S.ErrorCode give you the errorcode !

S.GetAllCurrencyInfo() :

return a list with Info for all currency
    # each element is a info in format $Currency$,[$Volume$,$VolumeBTC$,$LastPrice$,$PriceLow$,$PriceHigh$]
    # Remarque : Info is in the variable Public.Info of the class.
    # if return [] then self.ErrorCode give you the errorcode !

S.GetChat() :

return a list with Message in chat
    # each element is [$Id$,$User$,$Messsage$]
    # or [] if no chat  (?!?)
    # Remarque : Chat is in the variable User.Public.Chat of the class.
    # if return [] then self.ErrorCode give you the errorcode !
  • User Session :


login to if you have open a anonymous session or you have been disconnected

    # Return 1 if success
    # if return 0 : self.ErrorCode give you the error !


logout from
    # Return 1 if success
    # if return 0 : self.ErrorCode give you the error !

S.GetUserDetails() :

return a list with UserAccountInfo
    # each element is 
    # [$Currency$,$Balance$,$Incoming$,$DepositAddress$,$MinimumDeposit$,$DepositConfirmations$,$WithdrawFee$]
    # Remarque : Account Info are in the variable User.Details of the class.
    # if return [], then self.ErrorCode give you the errorcode !

S.GetUserAccountInfo(cur) :

return the list 
    # Remarque : Account Info Currency are in the variable User.Details.Funds[$currency$] of the class.
    # if return [], then self.ErrorCode give you the errorcode !

S.GetUserOrders(cur) :

return a list with User Orders for the currency cur
    # each element is [$Id$,$Type$,$Time$,$Confirmed$,$Amount$,Price$]
    # or [None] if no orders
    # Remarque : Users Currency Orders are in the variable User.Book.Orders[$currency$] of the class.
    # if return [] then self.ErrorCode give you the errorcode !

S.GetUserAllOrders() :

    return a list with All User Orders
    # each element is a list : 
    # [$currency$,[$Order1$,$Order2$,...]] where $OrderX$ is [$Id$,$Type$,,$Time$,$Confirmed$,$Amount$,Price$]
    # or [None] if no orders
    # Remarque : Users All Orders are in the variable User.Book of the class.
    # if return [] then self.ErrorCode give you the errorcode !

S.SendSellOrder(cur, amt, price, confirm):

    # SendSellOrder : send a sell order 
    # Return 1 if success or 0 if error
    # if return 0 then self.ErrorCode give you the errorcode !
    # if confirm=0:
    #       self.Return=[$id$,0,$time$,$amt$,$price$] 
    # else : 
    #       self.Return=[None,0,$time$,$amt$,$price$] (because this order can be executed yet)

S.SendBuyOrder(cur, amt, price, confirm):

    # SendBuyOrder : send a buy order 
    # Return 1 if success or 0 if error
    # if return 0 then self.ErrorCode give you the errorcode !
    # if confirm=0:
    #       self.Return=[$id$,1,$time$,$amt$,$price$] 
    # else : 
    #       self.Return=[None,1,$time$,$amt$,$price$] (because this order can be executed yet)

S.ExecuteOrder(cur, id):

    # ExecuteOrder : execute the order id (to confirm)
    # Return 1 if success or 0 if error
    # if return 0 then self.ErrorCode give you the errorcode !
    #       self.Return=[None,$type$,$time$,$amt$,$price$]  (order info)

S.CancelOrder(cur,id) :

    # cancel the order id
    # Return 1 if success or 0 if error
    # if return 0 then self.ErrorCode give you the errorcode !
    #       self.Return=[None,$type$,$time$,$amt$,$price$]  (order info)

S.CancelAllOrders(cur) :

    # cancel all orders of one currency
    # Return 1 if success or 0 if error
    # if return 0 then self.ErrorCode give you the errorcode !

S.SendChatMsg(msg) :

    # Send the $msg$ to chat
    # Return 1 if success or 0 if error
    # if return 0 then self.ErrorCode give you the errorcode !
    #       self.Return=$msg$

      Unknown : 0
      Ok : 1
      No UserName : 101
      No Password : 102
      Session ended :110
      Anonymous connexion :1000
      Already Disconnected : 1100
      Unknown Currency :2000
      HTTP Error :10000
      Trade Error No Enough Coins : 20000
      Trade Error Minimum Request : 20001 
      Trade Error Price below minimum : 20002
      Trade Error Order not send : 20003
      Trade Error Ten Order already : 20004
      Trade Error Type Error : 20005
      Trade Error Currency not accepted : 20006
      Trade Error Confirm : 20007
      Confirm Error Already Confirmed : 30001
      Confirm Error No order with this id : 30002


mcxnowapi Api in python 3.2 for the Crypto exchange market






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