A Smoothie firmware port to the Smoothieboard v2 boards.
Current status : Gcode processing, motion planning, and step generation work. Many secondary features need porting, and some major lower level things need implementation ( USB, Ethernet, SDIO ).
First, go into gcc4mbed
cd gcc4mbed/
Then, install the toolchain
Finally, setup the build environment
Then go to the Smoothie2 source code
cd ../src/
And finally compile the code
Current major TODOs :
- Porting of existing functionality that hasn't been ported yet ( anything in https://github.com/Smoothieware/Smoothieware/tree/edge/src/modules that isn't ported yet )
- Some modules have been ported, but the underlying low-level/HAL stuff to talk to the peripherals isn't ( like SPI, or ADCs etc ), it's just dummy objects right now. So that needs porting too.
- USB and Ethernet need to be implemented.
- Doing the step generation on the M0 co-processor instead of on the M4 main core.
- This port was forked from Smoothie months ago, it should be updated to incoprorate changes to Smoothie done in the meantime.
- Explore using http://nuttx.org/ for a RTOS ( major rewrite )
TODO functionality to port from v1 in more detail :
libs/Adc.cpp : Port low level ADC functionality, then re-enable it in TemperatureControl ( note : there is some weird pin configuration surrounding this that makes it more complicated than it seems, but I don't remember what it is. [email protected] probably remembers what it is ).
libs/md5.cpp : Port and re-enable in SimpleShell
libs/Network : Port and enable
@adamgreen - libs/SDFAT.cpp : Port for SPI SD card access, not SDIO, and re-enable. Then add SDIO support.
@adamgreen - libs/SPI.cpp : Port and make to use the mBed library instead of registers
libs/USBDevice : Port and enable
libs/Watchdog : Port ( no mBed libraries available that I could find )
libs/Hook.h : Uses doubles instead of ints ( in v1 ) for some reason, should be fixed
modules/tools/drillingcycles : Port ( should be fairly simple )
modules/tools/extruder : Port
modules/tools/filamentdetector : Port
modules/tools/filamentdetector : Get PWM to work
modules/tools/scaracal : Port
modules/tools/spindle : Port and get PWM to work
modules/tools/temperaturecontrol : Finish porting, get the ADC to actually work, port the AD8495 temperature input
modules/tools/temperatureswitch : Port ( should be fairly easy )
modules/tools/toolmanager : Port ( should be trivial, is needed for Extruder )
modules/tools/touchprobe : Port ( could be quite easy )
modules/tools/zprobe : Port ( could be quite easy )
modules/tools/simpleshell : Port
The FPGA requires a SGPIO spi library
The FPGA requires a way to flash a .bin to it over JTAG from the M4
Things that are broken during the port and should be added back as things progress ( some things might be missing here. I try to use the TOADDBACK label when commenting things so search for that too ) :
- In GcodeDispatch.cpp : Removed dependency to Pauser.h
- In Switch.cpp : Commented out all of the set_low_on_debug stuff
- In SlowTicker.h and Hook.h : Using doubles instead of ints for intervals/frequencies and counting down. Done to accomodate mBed, but dirty costly hack
- In SlowTicker.h : Assuming it's fine to use mBed for this, we can remove a lot of code and just rely fully on mBed
- In RingBuffer.h : Removed the irq stuff
- In Laser.cpp : PWM pin is broken, needs to be fixed
Things changed from Smoothie1 :
- Pin now uses mBed instead of registers
- SlowTicker now uses mBed instead of registers
- StepTicker now uses mBed instead of register
- Various "waits" now use mBed's Timer
Planned refactors ( only to be done when the basic port is done ) :
- Remove the checksum system for config options
- Try to read config directly from SD card without cache ( as smoothie used to do ) now that we have SDIO
- Queue refactor ( see wiki )
- Adding MTP and removing MSD for USB
- Full rewrite based on a RTOS