Related Paper:
Benchun Zhou, Aibo Wang, Jan-Felix Klein, Furmans Kai. Object Detection and Mapping with Bounding Box Constraints[C]//2021 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI). IEEE, 2021. [Link] [PDF] [Slide] [Youtube] [Bilibili]
If you use the code in your academic work, please cite the above paper.
in folder /cmake_det_slam, we can find the cmake code to detect object and use object for SLAM
in folder /ros_det_slam, we add visulazation for SLAM
in folder /data, we save some neccessary images or files.
data folder should contain:
-raw_imgs folder with images and rgb.txt
-depth_imgs folder with images and depth.txt
-bbox_2d_yolov2 folder with 2d bbox result and yolov3_bbox.txt
-TUM3.yaml # calibration
-truth_cam_poses.txt # ground truth for camera -truth_objects.txt # ground truth for object (measured from point cloud) -
to build essential thirdparty library
cd cmake_det_slam/Thirdpary
cd line_lbd
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
it will output a library "" in line_lbd/lib
cd cmake_det_slam/Thirdpary
cd ticioc_profiler
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
it will output a library "" in ticioc_profiler/lib
- to build and run cmake code:
cd cmake_det_slam
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
./bbox_cabinet_det_node ../../data #path_to_cabinet data
it can output "online_camera.txt" and "online_cube.txt" to save the result.
- to run ros code:
firstly, you also need to build essential thirdparty library in (2) secondly, you need to build g2o in thirdparty library
cd ros_det_slam/Thirdpary
cd g2o
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
it will output a library "" in g2o/lib
thridly, build and run visulazation code:
cd ros_det_slam/src
cd ..
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch object_slam_bbox object_slam_example.launch