This is my Sublime Text 2 configuration based on post of @kennethreitz ,and my goal is try to optimize the python experience and better support to web2py and other frameworks.
It's a compilation of better plugins thats include:
- git support(commands and diff view)
- pep8 autoformat
- html helper(awesome!)
- markdown preview
- inline notation for syntax errors in many languages
- nice snippets...very nice
- json auto-formatter
Usage: [--no_sublime] [--no_enviroment] [--no_extras] [-- no_user_settings] -h | --help --version
-h --help Show this screen.
--version Show version.
--no_sublime - ignore the installation of Sublime Text 2
--no_enviroment - ignore the installation of enviroment packages(not recommended because maybe necessary for plugins)
--no_extras - ignore the instalattion of extra packages
--no_user_settings - ignore personal configurations
Just close and open.
Wait the installation of the plguins.(This can take some minutes)
Open your User Settings Preferences file Sublime Text 2 -> Preferences -> Settings - User
Add (or update) your theme entry to be "theme": "Soda Light.sublime-theme" or "theme": "Soda Dark.sublime-theme"
Reset Sublime Text 2
- Python 2.7
- Ubuntu and Crunchbang 'Waldorf' (only support yet)
- Markdown Preview in a browser doesn't works in Crunchbang. Add this line in your .bashrc export BROWSER='/usr/bin/iceweasel' This is a temporary and not full solution.
[] integration with other OS(include other distros).
[] many snippets for web2py
[] Test script in earlier versions of python
[x] Better setup interface with docopt
[] Screenshots