[TASK] Update bootstrap 4.1 constants (#831 ) 89eeaab
[TASK] Add check commit message workflow for pull requests (#828 ) aa079ba
[TASK] Add Github workflow badge (#824 ) 15e59d6
[TASK] Bump modernizr to version 3.8.0 (#820 ) cba6d82
[TASK] Bump grunt-stylelint to version 0.11.1 (#819 ) f3d0ea0
[TASK] Bump grunt-sass to version 3.1.0 (#818 ) e80a11c
[TASK] Bump bootstrap 4 to version 4.4.1 (#817 ) 88f1165
[TASK] Bump popperjs to version 1.16.0 (#816 ) 2df71d9
[TASK] Update bootstrap.stickyheader.min.js (#823 ) da0d007
[TASK] Rename DDEV build command to yarn (#821 ) 964e8c1
[TASK] Introduce DDEV build script 5be7827
[TASK] Update ddev to 1.12.0 (#783 ) 8056ff9
[TASK] Remove double inclusion of content elements (#792 ) 1e12f49
[TASK] Add DDEV custom command description (#782 ) 5b7d869
[BUGFIX] Conflict scssphp/scssphp 1.0.4 and 1.0.5 for composer installs (#764 ) ec0646e
[BUGFIX] Use correct category for texticon constants cb1e04b
[BUGFIX] Resolve plain bootstrap 4 accordion conflicts (#775 ) ed0dd11
[BUGFIX] Ensure frame collapsing for node-sass compilations on theme 7b27f26
[BUGFIX] Include autoloader for parser class check (#777 ) dc3d300
[BUGFIX] Force node version during build (#771 ) 75f7ab5
[BUGFIX] Respect sorting in section menus 82756f5
You can’t perform that action at this time.