A Vapor package which handles all the server side elements required to implement passes for iOS.
This package requires Vapor 4.
Create a struct
that implements Encodable
which will contain all the fields for the generated pass.json
file. For information on the various keys
available see Understanding the Keys.
struct PassJsonData: Encodable {
public static let token = "EB80D9C6-AD37-41A0-875E-3802E88CA478"
private let formatVersion = 1
private let passTypeIdentifier = "pass.com.yoursite.passType"
private let authenticationToken = token
Your data model should contain all the fields that you store for your pass, as well as a foreign key for the pass itself.
public class PassData: PassKitPassData {
public static var schema = "pass_data"
@ID(key: "id")
public var id: Int?
@Parent(key: "pass_id")
public var pass: PKPass
@Field(key: "punches")
public var punches: Int
public required init() {}
extension PassData: Migration {
public func prepare(on database: Database) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {
.field("id", .int, .identifier(auto: true))
.field("punches", .int, .required)
.field("pass_id", .uuid, .required)
.foreignKey("pass_id", references: PKPass.schema, "id", onDelete: .cascade)
.flatMap {
guard let db = database as? PostgresDatabase else {
fatalError("Looks like you're not using PostgreSQL any longer!")
return .andAllSucceed(
trigger.map { db.sql().raw($0).run() },
on: db.eventLoop
public func revert(on database: Database) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {
// db.sql().raw() doesn't allow for multiple statements, so make it an array
private let trigger: [SQLQueryString] = [
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "public"."UpdateModified"() RETURNS trigger
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $$
UPDATE \(PKPass.schema)
SET modified = now()
WHERE "id" = NEW.pass_id;
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS "OnPassDataUpdated" ON "public"."\(PassData.schema)";
CREATE TRIGGER "OnPassDataUpdated"
AFTER UPDATE OF "punches" ON "public"."\(PassData.schema)"
EXECUTE PROCEDURE "public"."UpdateModified"();
IMPORTANT: Whenever your pass data changes, you must update the modified time of the linked pass so that Apple knows to send you a new pass. The given example, above, is for PostgreSQL, but the concept should be the same for any database. The syntax for the triggers will simply be a little different. You can do this in ModelMiddleware
but I like to have the database itself do it so if anything outside the app makes a change, it still updates.
Create a delegate file that implements PassKitDelegate
. There are other fields available which have reasonable default values. See the delegate's documentation.
Because the files for your pass' template and the method of encoding might vary by pass type, you'll be provided the pass for those methods.
import Vapor
import PassKit
class PKD: PassKitDelegate {
var sslSigningFilesDirectory = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/www/myapp/sign", isDirectory: true)
var pemPrivateKeyPassword: String? = "12345"
func encode<P: PassKitPass>(pass: P, db: Database, encoder: JSONEncoder) -> EventLoopFuture<Data> {
// The specific PassData class you use here may vary based on the pass.type if you have multiple
// different types of passes, and thus multiple types of pass data.
return PassData.query(on: db)
.filter(\.$pass == pass.id!)
.unwrap(or: Abort(.internalServerError))
.flatMap { passData in
guard let data = try? encoder.encode(PassJsonData(data: passData, pass: pass)) else {
return db.eventLoop.makeFailedFuture(Abort(.internalServerError))
return db.eventLoop.makeSucceededFuture(data)
func template<P: PassKitPass>(for: P, db: Database) -> EventLoopFuture<URL> {
// The location might vary depending on the type of pass.
let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/www/myapp/pass", isDirectory: true)
return db.eventLoop.makeSucceededFuture(url)
You must explicitly declare pemPrivateKeyPassword
as a String?
or Swift will ignore it as it'll think it's a String
Depending on your implementation details, you'll likely want to automatically clean out the passes and devices table when
a registration is deleted. You'll need to implement based on your type of SQL database as there's not yet a Fluent way
to implement something like SQL's NOT EXISTS
call with a DELETE
statement. If you're using PostgreSQL, you can
setup these triggers/methods:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public."RemoveUnregisteredItems"() RETURNS trigger
LANGUAGE plpgsql
DELETE FROM devices d
FROM registrations r
WHERE d."id" = r.device_id
DELETE FROM passes p
FROM registrations r
WHERE p."id" = r.pass_id
CREATE TRIGGER "OnRegistrationDelete"
AFTER DELETE ON "public"."registrations"
EXECUTE PROCEDURE "public"."RemoveUnregisteredItems"();
Next, register the routes in routes.swift
. Notice how the delegate
is created as
a global variable. You need to ensure that the delegate doesn't go out of scope as soon as the routes(_:)
method exits! This will
implement all of the routes that PassKit expects to exist on your server for you.
let delegate = PKD()
func routes(_ app: Application) throws {
let pk = PassKit(app: app, delegate: delegate)
pk.registerRoutes(authorizationCode: PassData.token)
If you wish to include routes specifically for sending push notifications to updated passes you can also include this line in your routes(_:)
method. You'll
need to pass in whatever Middleware
you want Vapor to use to authenticate the two routes. Note that PassKit will not send a push notification if you
use the sandbox, which is why this method doesn't let you pass the APNs environment type. If you've not yet configured APNSwift, calling this method will
do so for you.
try pk.registerPushRoutes(middleware: PushAuthMiddleware())
That will add two routes:
- POST .../api/v1/push/passTypeIdentifier/passBarcode (Sends notifications)
- GET .../api/v1/push/passTypeIdentifier/passBarcode (Retrieves a list of push tokens which would be sent a notification)
Whether you include the routes or not, you'll want to add a method that sends push notifications when your pass data updates. If you did not include the routes remember to configure APNSwift yourself. You can implement it like so:
struct PassDataMiddleware: ModelMiddleware {
private unowned let app: Application
init(app: Application) {
self.app = app
func update(model: PassData, on db: Database, next: AnyModelResponder) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {
next.update(model, on: db).flatMap {
PassKit.sendPushNotifications(for: model.$pass, on: db, app: self.app)
and register it in configure.swift:
app.databases.middleware.use(PassDataMiddleware(app: app), on: .psql)
If you don't like the schema names that are used by default, you can instead instantiate the generic PassKitCustom
and provide your model types.
let pk = PassKitCustom<MyPassType, MyDeviceType, MyRegistrationType, MyErrorType>(app: app, delegate: delegate)
Finally, if you're using the default schemas provided by this package you can register the default models in your configure(_:)
PassKit.register(migrations: app.migrations)