This boilerplate lets you quickly get started using Clojure, ClojureScript and Datomic, while providing a smooth transition for developers already familiar with a React/Node.JS stack.
This boilerplate requires connecting to Datomic.
Datomic Pro is free and you can launch a local development server like so:
curl -O
unzip && cd datomic-pro-1.0.7180
bin/transactor config/samples/
To start a development server with hot-reloading:
lein fig:build
To compile Sass in development:
sass --watch src/boilerplate/ui/sass/:resources/public/css/
To build a production front-end bundle:
lein fig:min
To build a production .jar back-end:
lein uberjar
Connect your favorite text editor to REPL on port 5555.
For those already familiar with React/Node.JS, below is a dictionary of libraries used in this boilerplate.
JavaScript | Clojure/ClojureScript |
Node's http + Express middleware | Ring |
Express routing | Compojure |
React | Reagent |
Redux | Re-frame |
React Router | Reitit + Accountant |
Fetch API | Re-frame's http-fx |
This project is created and currently maintained by L. Bensaadi.