A curated list of my GitHub stars! Generated by starred.
- C
- C#
- C++
- CMake
- Cython
- DM
- Dart
- GDScript
- Git Attributes
- Go
- Haskell
- Java
- JavaScript
- Jinja
- Jupyter Notebook
- Lua
- Markdown
- Mojo
- Others
- Pascal
- Python
- Ruby
- Rust
- Shell
- Swift
- TeX
- TypeScript
- V
- vendethiel/trying.apl - APL is the greatest language ever
- edk2-porting/edk2-msm - Broken edk2 port for Qualcomm platforms xD
- tursodatabase/libsql - libSQL is a fork of SQLite that is both Open Source, and Open Contributions.
- ValdikSS/GoodbyeDPI - GoodbyeDPI — Deep Packet Inspection circumvention utility (for Windows)
- bol-van/zapret - DPI bypass multi platform
- NimdaCTF/Nimda_2024_LateWinter - Let's gooo
- flipperdevices/flipperzero-game-engine -
- 0Nera/BMOSP - БМПОС - Базовая Модульная Платформа Операционных Систем для платформы x86_64
- xMasterX/all-the-plugins - Big plugins pack built for latest flipper firmware (builds in releases for UL only)
- UberGuidoZ/Flipper - Playground (and dump) of stuff I make or modify for the Flipper Zero
- LTVA1/flipper-zero-video-player - An application for playing videos (with sound) on Flipper Zero.
- philipl/pifs - πfs - the data-free filesystem!
- extremecodetv/ExtremeCodeOS - New gen. Linux
- datttrian/cs50x -
- seL4/util_libs -
- AdAway/AdAway - AdAway is a free and open source ad blocker for Android.
- GyverLibs/GyverHub - Панель управления для ESP8266, ESP32 и других Arduino. Конструктор интерфейса. Интеграция в умный дом. Esp8266, esp32 and Arduino Dashboard library
- earlephilhower/ESP8266Audio - Arduino library to play MOD, WAV, FLAC, MIDI, RTTTL, MP3, and AAC files on I2S DACs or with a software emulated delta-sigma DAC on the ESP8266 and ESP32
- cnlohr/espusb - Software-only ESP8266 USB Device
- spacehuhn/wifi_ducky - Upload, save and run keystroke injection payloads with an ESP8266 + ATMEGA32U4
- ventoy/Ventoy - A new bootable USB solution.
- ProjectMile/Mile.Xaml - The lightweight XAML Islands toolchain with the Windows 11 controls styles.
- dorssel/usbipd-win - Windows software for sharing locally connected USB devices to other machines, including Hyper-V guests and WSL 2.
- github/gh-actions-importer - GitHub Actions Importer helps you plan and automate the migration of Azure DevOps, Bamboo, Bitbucket, CircleCI, GitLab, Jenkins, and Travis CI pipelines to GitHub Actions.
- redorav/hlslpp - Math library using HLSL syntax with multiplatform SIMD support
- ggerganov/kbd-audio - 🎤⌨️ Acoustic keyboard eavesdropping
- ginkage/FlippAirMouse - Air Mouse for Flipper
- Naios/idle - Idle is an asynchronous and hot-reloadable C++ dynamic component framework
- google/re2 - RE2 is a fast, safe, thread-friendly alternative to backtracking regular expression engines like those used in PCRE, Perl, and Python. It is a C++ library.
- douban/libmc - Fast and light-weight memcached client for C++ / #python / #golang #libmc
- andreasfertig/cppinsights - C++ Insights - See your source code with the eyes of a compiler
- godotengine/godot - Godot Engine – Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine
- ginomempin/sample-ci-cpp - Sample project for setting-up Gitlab CI/CD with CMake, googletest, lcov for C++-based applications
- bitcoin/bitcoin - Bitcoin Core integration/staging tree
- SpacehuhnTech/WiFiDuck - Wireless keystroke injection attack platform
- Mak2k2/ESP8266-keyboard -
- ClickHouse/ClickHouse - ClickHouse® is a real-time analytics DBMS
- a-a-maly/kumir2 - New home for Kumir2.
- victor-yacovlev/kumir2 - Архив для истории. Я больше не занимаюсь системой "Кумир" и не афиллирован с НИИСИ. Актуальный репозиторий - здесь: https://github.com/a-a-maly/kumir2
- aardappel/lobster - The Lobster Programming Language
- Winderton/xplatform - Реализация фундаментальных проектов с курса по Computer Science
- nomic-ai/gpt4all - GPT4All: Run Local LLMs on Any Device. Open-source and available for commercial use.
- ytsaurus/ytsaurus - YTsaurus is a scalable and fault-tolerant open-source big data platform.
- userver-framework/userver - Production-ready C++ Asynchronous Framework with rich functionality
- cppmf/Version.cmake - CMake module to easily generate version.h file
- cpm-cmake/CPM.cmake - 📦 CMake's missing package manager. A small CMake script for setup-free, cross-platform, reproducible dependency management.
- SFML/cmake-sfml-project - Repository template for SFML projects using CMake
- microsoft/vcpkg - C++ Library Manager for Windows, Linux, and MacOS
- Godiesc/firefox-gx - Opera GX Skin for Firefox
- DestructiveVoice/DestructiveFarm - 📢 🔒 Exploit manager for attack-defense CTF competitions
- enthought/pyql - Cython QuantLib wrappers
- ChaoticOnyx/OnyxBay - Main repository with actual Space Station 13 sources. Branch of Baystation 12.
- aloisdeniel/flutter_device_preview - Approximate how your app looks and performs on another device.
- team113/messenger - Open-source front-end part of messenger by team113
- sermakov/google-sheet-2-flutter - Fetch data from GoogleSheet to flutter app
- AppFlowy-IO/AppFlowy - Bring projects, wikis, and teams together with AI. AppFlowy is an AI collaborative workspace where you achieve more without losing control of your data. The best open source alternative to Notion.
- abuanwar072/Flutter-responsive-email-ui---Mobile-Tablet-and-Web - We redesign the outlook app also make it responsive so that you can run it everywhere on your phone, tab, or web.
- abuanwar072/Flutter-Responsive-Admin-Panel-or-Dashboard - Responsive Admin Panel or Dashboard using Flutter
- 0niel/university-app - A mobile application for the MIREA - Russian Technological University, which includes a schedule, news and many other functions
- gitattributes/gitattributes - A collection of useful .gitattributes templates
- photoprism/photoprism - AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web 🌈💎✨
- liamg/traitor - ⬆️ ☠️ 🔥 Automatic Linux privesc via exploitation of low-hanging fruit e.g. gtfobins, pwnkit, dirty pipe, +w docker.sock
- openziti/zrok - Geo-scale, next-generation peer-to-peer sharing platform built on top of OpenZiti.
- minio/minio - MinIO is a high-performance, S3 compatible object store, open sourced under GNU AGPLv3 license.
- loft-sh/devpod - Codespaces but open-source, client-only and unopinionated: Works with any IDE and lets you use any cloud, kubernetes or just localhost docker.
- nektos/act - Run your GitHub Actions locally 🚀
- stashapp/stash - An organizer for your porn, written in Go. Documentation: https://docs.stashapp.cc
- 42wim/matterbridge - bridge between mattermost, IRC, gitter, xmpp, slack, discord, telegram, rocketchat, twitch, ssh-chat, zulip, whatsapp, keybase, matrix, microsoft teams, nextcloud, mumble, vk and more with REST API (m
- go-gitea/gitea - Git with a cup of tea! Painless self-hosted all-in-one software development service, including Git hosting, code review, team collaboration, package registry and CI/CD
- GarrettGunnell/AcerolaFX - A suite of GShade shaders for Final Fantasy XIV
- ripienaar/free-for-dev - A list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings that have free tiers of interest to devops and infradev
- aleff-github/my-flipper-shits - Free and libre source BadUSB payloads for Flipper Zero. [Windows, GNU/Linux, iOS]
- opentofu/manifesto - The OpenTF Manifesto expresses concern over HashiCorp's switch of the Terraform license from open-source to the Business Source License (BSL) and calls for the tool's return to a truly open-source lic
- EbookFoundation/free-programming-books - 📚 Freely available programming books
- lierdakil/pandoc-crossref - Pandoc filter for cross-references
- upptime/upptime - ⬆️ GitHub Actions uptime monitor & status page by @AnandChowdhary
- Aefyr/SAI - Android split APKs installer
- Anuken/Mindustry - The automation tower defense RTS
- PrismJS/prism - Lightweight, robust, elegant syntax highlighting.
- danakt/pshe - Незаменимый помощник для работы с git
- petercunha/Donut - 🤖 A JavaScript implementation of the infamous "donut.c" program
- 1pt-co/api -
- markedjs/marked - A markdown parser and compiler. Built for speed.
- adobe/brackets - An open source code editor for the web, written in JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
- SyntOwl/Owl-Assistant-for-Webinar -
- googleworkspace/apps-script-samples - Apps Script samples for Google Workspace products.
- words/cuss - 🤬 Map of profane words to a rating of sureness
- anuraghazra/github-readme-stats - ⚡ Dynamically generated stats for your github readmes
- migueravila/Bento - 🍱 The minimalist, elegant and hackable startpage.
- snakers4/silero-models - Silero Models: pre-trained speech-to-text, text-to-speech and text-enhancement models made embarrassingly simple
- natasha/natasha-usage -
- akmand/datasets - Various Datasets for Machine Learning Research & Teaching
- CompVis/stable-diffusion - A latent text-to-image diffusion model
- kon3gor/hjkl - My nvim config
- yewstack/yew - Rust / Wasm framework for creating reliable and efficient web applications
- trinib/trinib - Don't just be a forker🔱...Hit that 🅂🆃🄰🆁⭐...........( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)-︻デ┳═ー - - - - - - - - - -💥¦̵̱ ̵̱ ̵̱ ̵̱ ̵̱(̢ ̡͇̅└͇̅┘͇̅ (▤8כ−◦My Profile........ Chess♟️ ◉═╬::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::⫸♚ ♛ ♜ ♝ ♞
- modularml/mojo - The Mojo Programming Language
- PKU-YuanGroup/LLaVA-CoT -
- monosans/proxy-list - Lists of HTTP, SOCKS4, SOCKS5 proxies with geolocation info. Updated every hour.
- fhdm-dev/scoppy - Use your Rasperry Pi Pico and Android Phone as an Oscilloscope and Logic Analyzer
- olexale/flutter_roadmap - Highly Subjective Roadmap to Flutter Development
- djsime1/awesome-flipperzero - 🐬 A collection of awesome resources for the Flipper Zero device.
- devcontainers/spec - Development Containers: Use a container as a full-featured development environment.
- awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted - A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers
- Kr4is/cpptools-extension-pack - Must have extensions for C++ development in Visual Studio Code.
- exercism/exercism - Crowd-sourced code mentorship. Practice having thoughtful conversations about code.
- abhisheknaiidu/awesome-github-profile-readme - 😎 A curated list of awesome GitHub Profile which updates in real time
- ikbo0119/python-practice-2021 - Python Programming Practice 2021
- ikbo0119/siaod-labs-2020 - AOD subject (IKBO-01-19)
- paulveillard/cybersecurity-dark-web - A collection of awesome software, libraries, learning tutorials, documents, books & technical resources and cool stuff about dark web.
- mirea-ninja/rtu-education-groups-code - Коды направления и названия групп РТУ МИРЭА
- tchapi/markdown-cheatsheet - Markdown Cheatsheet for Github Readme.md
- DenverCoder1/github-readme-streak-stats - 🔥 Stay motivated and show off your contribution streak! 🌟 Display your total contributions, current streak, and longest streak on your GitHub profile README
- peazip/PeaZip - Free Zip / Unzip software and Rar file extractor. Cross-platform file and archive manager. Features volume spanning, compression, authenticated encryption. Supports 7Z, 7-Zip sfx, ACE, ARJ, Brotli, BZ
- NuperSu/dataspell_ai_chat -
- 3DTopia/3DTopia - Text-to-3D Generation within 5 Minutes
- witelokk/messenger -
- mit-han-lab/efficientvit - Efficient vision foundation models for high-resolution generation and perception.
- fastapi/sqlmodel - SQL databases in Python, designed for simplicity, compatibility, and robustness.
- kyutai-labs/moshi -
- matterport/Mask_RCNN - Mask R-CNN for object detection and instance segmentation on Keras and TensorFlow
- meta-llama/llama - Inference code for Llama models
- ennucore/cadmium - CAD models at the speed of thought (or, you know, GPT-4)
- Gozargah/Marzban - Unified GUI Censorship Resistant Solution Powered by Xray
- shamhi/HamsterKombatBot - Bot that mines coins in HamsterKombat
- petyasoft/Blum - soft for @BlumCryptoBot
- ApeWorX/ape - The smart contract development tool for Pythonistas, Data Scientists, and Security Professionals
- vyperlang/vyper - Pythonic Smart Contract Language for the EVM
- idandaniel/ballyregan - Get working free proxies fast.
- langchain-ai/langgraph - Build resilient language agents as graphs.
- experienced-dev/chatgpt-plugin-fastapi-langchain-chroma - An Example Plugin for ChatGPT, Utilizing FastAPI, LangChain and Chroma
- alphasecio/langchain-examples - A collection of apps powered by the LangChain LLM framework.
- metavoiceio/metavoice-src - Foundational model for human-like, expressive TTS
- zilliztech/GPTCache - Semantic cache for LLMs. Fully integrated with LangChain and llama_index.
- n3d1117/chatgpt-telegram-bot - 🤖 A Telegram bot that integrates with OpenAI's official ChatGPT APIs to provide answers, written in Python
- wetox-team/flipperzero-goodies - flipper zero goodies [intercom_keys][scripts]
- C4T-BuT-S4D/S4DFarm - Attack & Defense CTF Farm based on DestructiveFarm
- benzlokzik/md2gost - Скрипт для генерации docx отчетов в соответствии с ГОСТ из markdown файла
- souravrs999/FaucetCryptoBot - A bot for FaucetCrypto a cryptocurrency faucet. The bot can currently claim PTC ads, main reward and all the shortlinks except exe.io and fc.lc.
- amr3k/oiwa - A simple Telegram bot that converts a phone number to a direct whatsapp chat link
- public-apis/public-apis - A collective list of free APIs
- beanboi7/yomomma-apiv2 - REST-API using FastAPI for Python that gives a 'yo momma' joke
- ijl/orjson - Fast, correct Python JSON library supporting dataclasses, datetimes, and numpy
- benzlokzik/vivid-frame - Convert static images to dynamic videos with a vivid twist at the end – an inverted color frame.
- python/cpython - The Python programming language
- kmhsonnenkind/cmake-cython-example - Example building native C library with Cython wrapper using CMake
- coala/coala - coala provides a unified command-line interface for linting and fixing all your code, regardless of the programming languages you use.
- natasha/slovnet - Deep Learning based NLP modeling for Russian language
- KurimuzonAkuma/pyrogram - Elegant, modern and asynchronous Telegram MTProto API framework in Python for users and bots
- error1001es/teleghoul - Бот - Гуль для твоего телеграм аккаунта
- ennucore/clippinator - AI programming assistant
- sijokun/async-fastapi-jwt-auth - FastAPI extension that provides JWT Auth support (secure, easy to use, and lightweight)
- pywebio/PyWebIO - Write interactive web app in script way.
- pydantic/pydantic - Data validation using Python type hints
- Dyalog/dyalog-jupyter-kernel - A Jupyter kernel for Dyalog APL
- cairdcoinheringaahing/Bitwise-Fuckery - Yet another Brainfuck derivative, but slightly more creative (JHT rating: 3-36)
- antijob/antijob_bot - Телеграм-бот
- snooppr/snoop - Snoop — инструмент разведки на основе открытых данных (OSINT world)
- Stability-AI/stablediffusion - High-Resolution Image Synthesis with Latent Diffusion Models
- zylon-ai/private-gpt - Interact with your documents using the power of GPT, 100% privately, no data leaks
- bigscience-workshop/petals - 🌸 Run LLMs at home, BitTorrent-style. Fine-tuning and inference up to 10x faster than offloading
- bureaucratic-labs/dostoevsky - Sentiment analysis library for russian language
- 0niel/happy-new-day - с днем поздравляющих животных
- psf/black - The uncompromising Python code formatter
- miyakogi/m2r - Markdown to reStructuredText converter
- Str4ngeb0yz/DestructiveFarm - 📢 🔒 Exploit manager for attack-defense CTF competitions
- encode/django-rest-framework - Web APIs for Django. 🎸
- google/python-fire - Python Fire is a library for automatically generating command line interfaces (CLIs) from absolutely any Python object.
- kk6/poetrify - Pipfile (or requirements.txt) to pyproject.toml for Poetry
- edtechre/pybroker - Algorithmic Trading in Python with Machine Learning
- django/django - The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
- alexbers/exploit_farm - The utility for CTF hacker competition for team hacking and flag submitting
- necrosskull/mirea-teacher-schedule-bot - Расписание преподавателей МИРЭА
- RefactoringGuru/design-patterns-ruby - Design Pattern Examples in Ruby
- mastodon/mastodon - Your self-hosted, globally interconnected microblogging community
- opf/openproject - OpenProject is the leading open source project management software.
- gleam-lang/gleam - ⭐️ A friendly language for building type-safe, scalable systems!
- astral-sh/uv - An extremely fast Python package and project manager, written in Rust.
- Speykious/cve-rs - Blazingly 🔥 fast 🚀 memory vulnerabilities, written in 100% safe Rust. 🦀
- TatriX/realworld-rust-rocket - Rust + Rocket RealWorld framework implementation
- zed-industries/zed - Code at the speed of thought – Zed is a high-performance, multiplayer code editor from the creators of Atom and Tree-sitter.
- launchbadge/sqlx - 🧰 The Rust SQL Toolkit. An async, pure Rust SQL crate featuring compile-time checked queries without a DSL. Supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite.
- tikv/tikv - Distributed transactional key-value database, originally created to complement TiDB
- flipperzero-rs/flipperzero-template - A template for starting a flipperzero-rs project for the Flipper Zero🐬
- rustdesk/rustdesk - An open-source remote desktop application designed for self-hosting, as an alternative to TeamViewer.
- silkenweb/silkenweb - A library for writing reactive single page web apps
- benzlokzik/fahrenheit-celsius-converter - Fahrenheit-celsius converter using actix
- AleoNet/snarkOS - A Decentralized Operating System for ZK Applications
- AppFlowy-IO/AppFlowy-Cloud - AppFlowy is an open-source alternative to Notion. You are in charge of your data and customizations. Built with Flutter and Rust.
- pydantic/speedate - Fast and simple datetime, date, time and duration parsing for rust.
- RustPython/RustPython - A Python Interpreter written in Rust
- tauri-apps/tauri - Build smaller, faster, and more secure desktop and mobile applications with a web frontend.
- Priler/jarvis - Voice assistant made as an experiment using neural networks for things like STT/TTS/Wake Word/NLU etc.
- a16z/magi - A blazing fast OP Stack rollup client written in Rust
- cargo-quick/cargo-quick - (currently vapourware) A cargo subcommand to quickly bootstrap your dependency tree on first build
- surrealdb/surrealdb - A scalable, distributed, collaborative, document-graph database, for the realtime web
- rust-unofficial/awesome-rust - A curated list of Rust code and resources.
- PyO3/pyo3 - Rust bindings for the Python interpreter
- benzlokzik/image-base64-via-rust - Image's data to base64 converter, also can convert stdin data to unicode characters numbers
- PyO3/maturin - Build and publish crates with pyo3, cffi and uniffi bindings as well as rust binaries as python packages
- ClickHouse/NoiSQL - NoiSQL — Generating Music With SQL Queries
- Kolandone/Selector - اسکنر آیپی و ساخت کانفیگ هیدیفای و v2ray کلونر لایسنس وارپ پلاس مدیریت ورکرهای کلودفلر
- holoiso-eol/holoiso - SteamOS 3 (Holo) archiso configuration
- apache/datafusion-ballista-python - Apache Arrow Ballista Python bindings
- ProfessorManhattan/docker-devcontainer - 🚀 The Docker-based, DevContainer development environment for multi-language projects
- maxgoedjen/secretive - Store SSH keys in the Secure Enclave
- mirea-ninja/Latex-Template-for-Report-Diploma-Thesis - LaTeX шаблоны для написания отчетов/дипломов/курсовых работ
- mirea-ninja/xelatex-report - Шаблон курсовой работы РТУ МИРЭА в Латехе
- yamadashy/repomix - 📦 Repomix (formerly Repopack) is a powerful tool that packs your entire repository into a single, AI-friendly file. Perfect for when you need to feed your codebase to Large Language Models (LLMs) or o
- tact-lang/web-ide - TON Web IDE is your ultimate browser-based IDE designed to simplify the journey of writing, testing, compiling, deploying, and interacting with smart contracts on TON. Write smart contracts from anywh
- wandb/openui - OpenUI let's you describe UI using your imagination, then see it rendered live.
- gitpod-io/gitpod - The developer platform for on-demand cloud development environments to create software faster and more securely.
- MobileTeleSystems/image-optimize - Image optimization microservice for web request.
- thedevs-network/kutt - Free Modern URL Shortener.
- 027xiguapi/pear-rec - pear-rec is a free and open-source cross platform software for recording, recording, and taking screenshots
- errata-ai/vale-action - The official GitHub Action for Vale -- install, manage, and run Vale with ease.
- misskey-dev/misskey - 🌎 A completely free and open interplanetary microblogging platform 🚀
- kiegroup/github-action-build-chain -
- Platane/snk - 🟩⬜ Generates a snake game from a github user contributions graph and output a screen capture as animated svg or gif
- n8n-io/n8n - Free and source-available fair-code licensed workflow automation tool. Easily automate tasks across different services.
- Kludex/awesome-fastapi-projects - List of FastAPI projects! 😎 🚀
- EndBug/add-and-commit - Automatically commit changes made in your workflow run directly to your repo
- 0niel/map-rosbiotech - Интерактивная карта РОСБИОТЕХ
- mirea-ninja/landing -
- nocodb/nocodb - 🔥 🔥 🔥 Open Source Airtable Alternative
- crazy-max/ghaction-github-pages - GitHub Action to deploy to GitHub Pages
- Ashutosh00710/github-readme-activity-graph - A dynamically generated activity graph to show your GitHub activities of last 31 days.
- gitkraken/vscode-gitlens - Supercharge Git inside VS Code and unlock untapped knowledge within each repository — Visualize code authorship at a glance via Git blame annotations and CodeLens, seamlessly navigate and explore Git
- bitswired/fuseai - Self-Hosted and Open-Source web app to interact with OpenAI APIs. Currently supports ChatGPT, but DALLE and Whisper support is coming.
- pmndrs/zustand - 🐻 Bear necessities for state management in React
- bubkoo/html-to-image - ✂️ Generates an image from a DOM node using HTML5 canvas and SVG.
- futantan/OpenGpt - Create your own ChatGPT App in seconds.
- vlang/vinix - Vinix is an effort to write a modern, fast, and useful operating system in the V programming language
- vlang/v - Simple, fast, safe, compiled language for developing maintainable software. Compiles itself in <1s with zero library dependencies. Supports automatic C => V translation. https://vlang.io
To the extent possible under law, benzlokzik has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.