It is a study project based on Discord app built with Next.js 14, React, Tailwind, shadcn/ui, Clerk, uploadthing, Prisma, PostgreSQL,, LiveKit.
- Designed using tailwind & shadcn
- Automatic / Light / Dark theme modes
- ORM using Prisma
- PostgreSQL database
- Authentication with Clerk
- Real-time messaging using
- Server creation & customization
- Invite system with unique invite link generation
- Create Text, Audio chat channels
- Member management (Kick, User role change Guest / Moderator)
- Send attachments as messages using UploadThing
- Delete & Edit messages in real time for all users
- Infinite loading for messages in batches of 15 with @tanstack/query
- 1:1 conversation and audio calls between members
- Websocket fallback: Polling with alerts
1) Clone repository
$ git clone
Or with SSH
$ git clone [email protected]:berkanumutlu/discord-clone.git
Or with Github CLI
$ git clone gh repo clone berkanumutlu/discord-clone
2) Copy the example.env file and make the required configuration changes in the file
$ cp .env.example .env
3) Install docker container (required docker)
$ docker-compose up -d
4) After installation, find your app's container id on docker
$ docker ps
# Output:
4e98c27c070a discord-clone-app "docker-entrypoint.s…" 7 days ago Up 15 seconds>3000/tcp, 5555/tcp discord-clone-app
- And connect to the terminal of your app's container
$ docker exec -it {APP_CONTAINER_ID} bash
5) Install all the dependencies using npm
/user/local/app $ npm install
6) Setup Prisma
/user/local/app $ npx prisma generate
/user/local/app $ npx prisma db push
7) Restart your docker container
$ docker-compose restart
8) Now you're ready to use project
- To stop the Docker container, use the following command
$ docker-compose stop
Home Page
Login page & Initial page
Text channel
Voice chat
Create server
Create channel
Invite to server
Manage server members
Search in server
User conversations
This is a study project based on Discord app so they own the licence.