ScribeSpace is an online reading companion, where you can:
- Add books that you are reading to your bookshelf.
- Scribble your notes while reading a book.
- Share reviews about the book, which other users can see.
- Keep track of new vocabulary that you have gained.
..and much more!
ScribeSpace is a web app, built with a Node/Express/PostgreSQL stack. It was originally deployed on Render (here), and is not currently live.
But you can check out my video demonstration on YouTube below!
- Node.js
- Express.js
- PostgreSQL
- Render
- Javascript
- (placeholder book images)
- FreePik (paper background)
- FigJam (to make wireframe)
- Lucid App (to make ER diagram)
- Google Books API add.
- Include an option to have a virtual book club.