This is a project I build to reuse my old iPad to serve as a table-top status screen for our family, including shared calendar, photos slideshow and some notes.
See .env.example
for the env vars required at the build-time.
You need to obtain:
- openweather API key
- set openweather-compatible location (City,2-letter country code)
- Google APIs key and client ID (credentials)
- Enable Calendar and Photos Library in Google APIs console
- Obtain the Google Calendar ID you want to display (without using API you can go to your calendar settings as a user and scroll to
Integrate calendar
and there you will find Calendar ID ending probably in - Set slideshow rotation interval in ms
I use Netlify to deploy:
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
# test the production build locally
npm run serve
# run tests with jest and preact-render-spy
npm run test
For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout the CLI Readme.