New Relic plugin for Pulse Virtual Traffic Manager Appliance - previously Brocade
- .Net 4.5
- Brocade Virtual Traffic Manager v9.9+, Stingray SteelApp Traffic Manager 9.9+ or Pulse Secure Traffic Manager
- Traffic Manager API v6.0 by default and for full functionality or version 3.3+ if specified in plugin.json "api_version"
There is a memory leak in VTM appliances before version 10.1 - SR32022. This will cause increased memory usage over time based on my own results about 10-20% per month.
Device Statistics: CPU %, Memory %, network traffic transmitted / received, connections, device errors, failed nodes Virtual Servers: Connections, network traffic transmitted / received Pools: Failed Nodes, Drained nodes, Disabled Nodes, network traffic transmitted / received Nodes: Requests, Connections, Errors, Failures
It is highly recommended that you do not use the default or full admin user account, but create a specific account for NewRelic to use.
- Create a new group for permissions
- Assign Permissions: 2a. Advanced Management -> SOAP Control API -> Full 2b. All other Permissions -> Read-Only
- Create a new User
- Assign user to previously created group
Certificates - You must use a DNS name when connecting to the load balancer as all communication is sent using HTTPS. You will also need to have a valid certificate or import the self-signed certificate into the windows cert store on the monitoring box.
- Download release and unzip on machine to handle monitoring.
- Edit Config Files rename newrelic.template.json to newrelic.json Rename plugin.template.json to plugin.json Update settings in both config files for your environment
- Run plugin.exe from Command line
Use NPI to install the plugin to register as a service
- Run Command as admin: npi install org.beyondcomputing.newrelic.brocade.vtm
- Follow on screen prompts