A self hosted agent in OpenShift for Azure Devops, follow the instructions below to get started
These steps will help get the parameters needed to apply to the Deployment Template provided.
- Setup a project in Azure Devops and get the URL for the organisation ($AZP_URL) . For example https://dev.azure.com/Organisation_Name
- Generate and use a PAT to connect an agent with Azure Pipelines ($AZP_TOKEN) https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/organizations/accounts/use-personal-access-tokens-to-authenticate?view=azure-devops&tabs=preview-page
- Setup the Agent Pool ($AZP_POOL) https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/agents/pools-queues?view=azure-devops&tabs=yaml%2Cbrowser
These steps will create a project and service account with permissions to run the agent. The project will be the namespace in which the azure agent will run. Import the templates via an administrator login
- Import the build agent template into the openshift project. This will make an icon and selectable template from the developer view.
oc create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bfarr-rh/azure-devops-ocp-agent/master/openshift/azagent-bc-template.yaml -n openshift
- Import the deployment template for the agent
oc create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bfarr-rh/azure-devops-ocp-agent/master/openshift/azagent-deployment.yaml -n openshift
Create an OpenShift project where the agent will run.
Build the Azure Agent via the template (azagent-bc-template.yaml). The following parameters may need to be adjusted OPENSHIFT_VERSION, AZP_AGENT_VERSION depending on the openshift version and the azure agent version you want to use. The openshift version determines the oc client version that will be installed. The Azure Agent Version can be adjusted, release details can be found here https://github.com/microsoft/azure-pipelines-agent/releases.
- description: OpenShift client binary version to install
value: "4.9.7"
- description: Azure agent install version
value: "2.187.2"
This is the final step and will require the parameters $AZP_URL, $AZP_TOKEN, $AZP_POOL as a minimum to deploy the agent and connect to your organisation in AzureDevOps.
- Launch the Deployment Template using parameters as required from what you setup in Pre-requisites
- The Agent should connect to Azure Project and be ready to accept Jobs
- Grant permissions to the service agent
oc policy add-role-to-user edit system:serviceaccount:<project_name>:azure-agent-sa
- You will probably need to add registry view or editor access to the service account as well
oc policy add-role-to-user registry-editor system:serviceaccount:<project_name>:azure-agent-sa
- To get podman running correctly in openshift you'll need to add a custom scc
oc create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bfarr-rh/azure-devops-ocp-agent/master/openshift/nonrootbuilder-scc.yaml
oc policy add-scc-to-user nonrootbuilder system:serviceaccount:<project_name>:azure-agent-sa
- When developing an azure pipeline, rather than using the default pool setup use within the pipeline For example where the pool name is OpenShift-Agent, your pipeline yaml file will start with something like below.
- master
name: 'OpenShift-Agent'
The agent has the oc tool installed running with permissions granted to the service account, use oc commands to interact with the build process. Sample pipeline can be found here https://github.com/bfarr-rh/dot-net-examples/blob/master/azure-pipelines.yml
As a default the agent will checkout the code so this will be already present in the agent container
The Agent is set to complete with each job and will be restarted by OpenShift
The agent can be scaled using the Deployment, this is not fully tested , but each agent will register with its pod name as a suffix to ensure AzureDevops can register with a unique name.
A pre stop lifecycle event in the pod should cause the agent to remove itself from the Agent pool. The following deplpoyment is responsible for removing the agent.
- /bin/sh
- '-c'
- >-
/azp/agent/bin/Agent.Listener remove --auth PAT --token
Note the "Update all agents" button will not work with this containerised version of the agent. Simply build a new base agent as per the prerequisite steps.