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simplify twCoefLogitnorm
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bgctw committed Mar 29, 2019
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Showing 5 changed files with 115 additions and 92 deletions.
153 changes: 84 additions & 69 deletions R/logitnorm.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -164,75 +164,68 @@ twCoefLogitnorm <- function(
median ##<< numeric vector: the median of the density function
, quant ##<< numeric vector: the upper quantile value
, perc = 0.975 ##<< numeric vector: the probability for which the quantile was specified
, method = "BFGS" ##<< method of optimization (see \code{\link{optim}})
, theta0 = c(mu = 0,sigma = 1) ##<< starting parameters
, returnDetails = FALSE ##<< if TRUE, the full output of optim is attached as attributes resOptim
, ...
##seealso<< \code{\link{logitnorm}}
# twCoefLogitnorm
names(theta0) <- c("mu","sigma")
nc <- c(length(median),length(quant),length(perc))
n <- max(nc)
res <- matrix( as.numeric(NA), n,2, dimnames = list(NULL,c("mu","sigma")))
resOptim <- list()
qmat <- cbind(median,quant)
pmat <- cbind(0.5,perc)
for (i in 1:n ){ # for each row in (recycled) vector
i0 <- i-1
tmp <- optim( theta0, .ofLogitnorm, perc = pmatI<-as.numeric(pmat[1+i0%%nrow(pmat),]), quant = (qmatI<-qmat[1+i0%%nrow(qmat),]), method = method, ...)
if (tmp$convergence == 0)
res[i,] <- tmp$par
warning(paste("coefLogitnorm: optim did not converge. theta0 = ",paste(theta0,collapse = ","),"; median = ",qmatI[1],"; quant = ",qmatI[2],"; perc = ",pmatI[2],sep = ""))
resOptim[[i]] <- tmp
if (returnDetails ) attr(res,"resOptim") <- resOptim
mu = logit(median)
upperLogit = logit(quant)
sigmaFac = qnorm(perc)
sigma = 1/sigmaFac*(upperLogit - mu)
c(mu = mu, sigma = sigma)
### numeric matrix with columns \code{c("mu","sigma")}
### rows correspond to rows in median, quant, and perc
attr(twCoefLogitnorm,"ex") <- function(){
# estimate the parameters, with median at 0.7 and upper quantile at 0.9
(theta <- twCoefLogitnorm(0.7,0.9))
med = 0.7; upper = 0.9
med = 0.2; upper = 0.4
(theta <- twCoefLogitnorm(med,upper))

x <- seq(0,1,length.out = 41)[-c(1,41)] # plotting grid
px <- plogitnorm(x,mu = theta[1],sigma = theta[2]) #percentiles function
plot(px~x); abline(v = c(0.7,0.9),col = "gray"); abline(h = c(0.5,0.975),col = "gray")
plot(px~x); abline(v = c(med,upper),col = "gray"); abline(h = c(0.5,0.975),col = "gray")

dx <- dlogitnorm(x,mu = theta[1],sigma = theta[2]) #density function
plot(dx~x); abline(v = c(0.7,0.9),col = "gray")
plot(dx~x); abline(v = c(med,upper),col = "gray")

# vectorized
(theta <- twCoefLogitnorm(seq(0.4,0.8,by = 0.1),0.9))

.tmp.f <- function(){
# xr = rlogitnorm(1e5, mu = theta["mu"], sigma = theta["sigma"])
# median(xr)
qlogitnorm(0.975, mu = theta["mu"], sigma = theta["sigma"])

twCoefLogitnormCi <- function(
### Calculates mu and sigma of the logitnormal distribution from lower and upper quantile, i.e. confidence interval.
lower ##<< value at the lower quantile, i.e. practical minimum
,upper ##<< value at the upper quantile, i.e. practical maximum
,perc = 0.975 ##<< numeric vector: the probability for which the quantile was specified
,sigmaFac = qnorm(perc) ##<< sigmaFac = 2 is 95% sigmaFac = 2.6 is 99% interval
,isTransScale = FALSE ##<< if true lower and upper are already on logit scale
, sigmaFac = qnorm(perc) ##<< sigmaFac = 2 is 95% sigmaFac = 2.6 is 99% interval
, isTransScale = FALSE ##<< if true lower and upper are already on logit scale
##seealso<< \code{\link{logitnorm}}
if (!isTRUE(isTransScale) ){
if (!isTRUE(isTransScale) ) {
lower <- logit(lower)
upper <- logit(upper)
halfWidth <- (upper-lower)/2
halfWidth <- (upper - lower)/2
sigma <- halfWidth/sigmaFac
cbind( mu = upper-halfWidth, sigma = sigma )
cbind( mu = upper - halfWidth, sigma = sigma )
### named numeric vector: mu and sigma parameter of the logitnormal distribution.
attr(twCoefLogitnormCi,"ex") <- function(){
mu = 2
sd = c(1,0.8)
p = 0.99
lower <- l <- qlogitnorm(1-p, mu, sd ) # p-confidence interval
lower <- l <- qlogitnorm(1 - p, mu, sd ) # p-confidence interval
upper <- u <- qlogitnorm(p, mu, sd ) # p-confidence interval
cf <- twCoefLogitnormCi(lower,upper)
cf <- twCoefLogitnormCi(lower,upper, perc = p)
all.equal( cf[,"mu"] , c(mu,mu) )
all.equal( cf[,"sigma"] , sd )
Expand All @@ -241,13 +234,13 @@ attr(twCoefLogitnormCi,"ex") <- function(){
### Objective function used by \code{\link{coefLogitnormMLE}}.
mu ##<< numeric vector of proposed parameter
## make sure that logit(mu)<mle for mle>0.5 and logit(mu)>mle for mle<0.5
,mle ##<< the mode of the density distribution
,logitMle = logit(mle)##<< may provide for performance reasons
,quant ##<< q are the quantiles for perc
,perc = c(0.975)
, mle ##<< the mode of the density distribution
, logitMle = logit(mle)##<< may provide for performance reasons
, quant ##<< q are the quantiles for perc
, perc = c(0.975)
# given mu and mle, we can calculate sigma
sigma2 = (logitMle-mu)/(2*mle-1)
sigma2 = (logitMle - mu)/(2*mle - 1)
ifelse( sigma2 <= 0, Inf, {
tmp.predp = plogitnorm(quant, mu = mu, sigma = sqrt(sigma2) )
tmp.diff = tmp.predp - perc
Expand All @@ -257,37 +250,53 @@ attr(twCoefLogitnormCi,"ex") <- function(){

twCoefLogitnormMLE <- function(
### Estimating coefficients of logitnormal distribution from mode and upper quantile
mle ##<< numeric vector: the mode of the density function
mle ##<< numeric vector: the mode of the density function
,quant ##<< numeric vector: the upper quantile value
,perc = 0.999 ##<< numeric vector: the probability for which the quantile was specified
,perc = 0.999 ##<< numeric vector: the probability for which the quantile
## was specified
#, ... ##<< Further parameters to \code{\link{optimize}}
##seealso<< \code{\link{logitnorm}}
# twCoefLogitnormMLE
nc <- c(length(mle),length(quant),length(perc))
n <- max(nc)
res <- matrix( as.numeric(NA), n,2, dimnames = list(NULL,c("mu","sigma")))
for (i in 1:n ){
i0 <- i-1
if (mleI == 0.5) mleI = 0.5-.Machine$double.eps # in order to estimate sigma
for (i in 1:n ) {
i0 <- i - 1
mleI <- mle[1 + i0 %% nc[1]]
quantI <- quant[1 + i0 %% nc[2]]
percI <- perc[1 + i0 %% nc[3]]
if (mleI == 0.5) {
# if mode is at 0.5 its symmetrical and corresponds to median
mu = 0
res[i,] = twCoefLogitnorm(0.5, quantI, percI)
# in order to estimate sigma
# we now that mu is in (\code{logit(mle)},0) for \code{mle < 0.5} and in
# \code{(0,logit(mle))} for \code{mle > 0.5} for unimodal distribution
# there might be a maximum in the middle and optimized misses the low part
# hence, first get near the global minimum by a evaluating the cost at a grid
# grid is spaced narrower at the edge
logitMle <- logit(mleI)
# hence, first get near the global minimum by a evaluating the cost at a
# grid that is spaced narrower at the edge
#intv <- if (logitMle < 0) c(logitMle+.Machine$double.eps,0) else c(0,logitMle-.Machine$double.eps)
upper <- abs(logitMle)-.Machine$double.eps
tmp <- sign(logitMle)*log(seq(1,exp(upper),length.out = 40))
oftmp<-.ofLogitnormMLE(tmp, mle = (mleI), logitMle = logitMle, quant = (quantI<-quant[1+i0%%nc[2]]), perc = (percI<-perc[1+i0%%nc[3]]))
logitMle <- logit(mleI)
upper <- abs(logitMle) - .Machine$double.eps
muTry <- sign(logitMle)*log(seq(1,exp(upper),length.out = 40))
ofMuTry <- .ofLogitnormMLE(
muTry, mle = (mleI), logitMle = logitMle
, quant = (quantI <- quant[1 + i0 %% nc[2]])
, perc = (percI <- perc[1 + i0 %% nc[3]]))
# now optimize starting from the near minimum
imin <- which.min(oftmp)
intv <- tmp[ c(max(1,imin-1), min(length(tmp),imin+1)) ]
imin <- which.min(ofMuTry)
intv <- muTry[ c(max(1,imin - 1), min(length(muTry),imin + 1)) ]
if (diff(intv) == 0 ) mu <- intv[1] else
mu <- optimize( .ofLogitnormMLE, interval = intv, mle = (mleI), logitMle = logitMle, quant = (quantI<-quant[1+i0%%nc[2]]), perc = (percI<-perc[1+i0%%nc[3]]))$minimum
sigma <- sqrt((logitMle-mu)/(2*mleI-1))
mu <- optimize(
.ofLogitnormMLE, interval = intv, mle = (mleI), logitMle = logitMle
, quant = quantI
, perc = percI)$minimum
sigma <- sqrt((logitMle - mu)/(2*mleI - 1))
res[i,] <- c(mu,sigma)
Expand All @@ -296,21 +305,20 @@ twCoefLogitnormMLE <- function(
attr(twCoefLogitnormMLE,"ex") <- function(){

# estimate the parameters, with mode 0.7 and upper quantile 0.9
(theta <- twCoefLogitnormMLE(0.7,0.9))

mode = 0.7; upper = 0.9
mode = 0.2; upper = 0.7
#mode = 0.5; upper = 0.9
(theta <- twCoefLogitnormMLE(mode,upper))
x <- seq(0,1,length.out = 41)[-c(1,41)] # plotting grid
px <- plogitnorm(x,mu = theta[1],sigma = theta[2]) #percentiles function
plot(px~x); abline(v = c(0.7,0.9),col = "gray"); abline(h = c(0.999),col = "gray")
plot(px~x); abline(v = c(mode,upper),col = "gray"); abline(h = c(0.999),col = "gray")
dx <- dlogitnorm(x,mu = theta[1],sigma = theta[2]) #density function
plot(dx~x); abline(v = c(0.7,0.9),col = "gray")

plot(dx~x); abline(v = c(mode,upper),col = "gray")
# vectorized
(theta <- twCoefLogitnormMLE(mle = seq(0.4,0.8,by = 0.1),quant = 0.9))

(theta <- twCoefLogitnormMLE(mle = seq(0.4,0.8,by = 0.1),quant = upper))
# flat
(theta <- twCoefLogitnormMLEFlat(0.7))
(theta <- twCoefLogitnormMLEFlat(mode))

twCoefLogitnormMLEFlat <- function(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -345,10 +353,12 @@ twCoefLogitnormE <- function(
### Estimating coefficients of logitnormal distribution from expected value, i.e. mean, and upper quantile.
mean ##<< the expected value of the density function
, quant ##<< the quantile values
, perc = c(0.975) ##<< the probabilities for which the quantiles were specified
, perc = c(0.975) ##<< the probabilities for which the quantiles were
## specified
, method = "BFGS" ##<< method of optimization (see \code{\link{optim}})
, theta0 = c(mu = 0,sigma = 1) ##<< starting parameters
, returnDetails = FALSE ##<< if TRUE, the full output of optim is returned with attribute resOptim
, returnDetails = FALSE ##<< if TRUE, the full output of optim is returned
## with attribute resOptim
, ...
##seealso<< \code{\link{logitnorm}}
Expand All @@ -358,19 +368,24 @@ twCoefLogitnormE <- function(
n <- nrow(mqp)
res <- matrix( as.numeric(NA), n,2, dimnames = list(NULL,c("mu","sigma")))
resOptim <- list()
for (i in 1:n ){
mqpi<- mqp[i,]
tmp <- optim( theta0, .ofLogitnormE, mean = mqpi[1], quant = mqpi[2], perc = mqpi[3], method = method, ...)
for (i in 1:n ) {
mqpi <- mqp[i,]
tmp <- optim(
theta0, .ofLogitnormE, mean = mqpi[1], quant = mqpi[2], perc = mqpi[3]
, method = method, ...)
resOptim[[i]] <- tmp
if (tmp$convergence != 0)
warning(paste("coefLogitnorm: optim did not converge. theta0 = ",paste(theta0,collapse = ",")))
"coefLogitnorm: optim did not converge. theta0 = ",
paste(theta0,collapse = ",")))
res[i,] <- tmp$par
if (returnDetails )
attr(res,"resOptim") <- resOptim
### named numeric matrix with estimated parameters of the logitnormal distrubtion.
### named numeric matrix with estimated parameters of the logitnormal
### distrubtion.
### colnames: \code{c("mu","sigma")}
Expand Down
21 changes: 13 additions & 8 deletions man/twCoefLogitnorm.Rd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,15 +3,11 @@
\description{Estimating coefficients of logitnormal distribution from median and upper quantile }
\usage{twCoefLogitnorm(median, quant, perc = 0.975,
method = "BFGS", theta0 = c(mu = 0, sigma = 1),
returnDetails = FALSE, ...)}
\item{median}{numeric vector: the median of the density function}
\item{quant}{numeric vector: the upper quantile value}
\item{perc}{numeric vector: the probability for which the quantile was specified}
\item{method}{method of optimization (see \code{\link{optim}})}
\item{theta0}{starting parameters}
\item{returnDetails}{if TRUE, the full output of optim is attached as attributes resOptim}
Expand All @@ -26,15 +22,24 @@ rows correspond to rows in median, quant, and perc}
# estimate the parameters, with median at 0.7 and upper quantile at 0.9
(theta <- twCoefLogitnorm(0.7,0.9))
med = 0.7; upper = 0.9
med = 0.2; upper = 0.4
(theta <- twCoefLogitnorm(med,upper))

x <- seq(0,1,length.out = 41)[-c(1,41)] # plotting grid
px <- plogitnorm(x,mu = theta[1],sigma = theta[2]) #percentiles function
plot(px~x); abline(v = c(0.7,0.9),col = "gray"); abline(h = c(0.5,0.975),col = "gray")
plot(px~x); abline(v = c(med,upper),col = "gray"); abline(h = c(0.5,0.975),col = "gray")

dx <- dlogitnorm(x,mu = theta[1],sigma = theta[2]) #density function
plot(dx~x); abline(v = c(0.7,0.9),col = "gray")
plot(dx~x); abline(v = c(med,upper),col = "gray")

# vectorized
(theta <- twCoefLogitnorm(seq(0.4,0.8,by = 0.1),0.9))

.tmp.f <- function(){
# xr = rlogitnorm(1e5, mu = theta["mu"], sigma = theta["sigma"])
# median(xr)
qlogitnorm(0.975, mu = theta["mu"], sigma = theta["sigma"])
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions man/twCoefLogitnormCi.Rd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,9 +23,9 @@
mu = 2
sd = c(1,0.8)
p = 0.99
lower <- l <- qlogitnorm(1-p, mu, sd ) # p-confidence interval
lower <- l <- qlogitnorm(1 - p, mu, sd ) # p-confidence interval
upper <- u <- qlogitnorm(p, mu, sd ) # p-confidence interval
cf <- twCoefLogitnormCi(lower,upper)
cf <- twCoefLogitnormCi(lower,upper, perc = p)
all.equal( cf[,"mu"] , c(mu,mu) )
all.equal( cf[,"sigma"] , sd )
9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions man/twCoefLogitnormE.Rd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,15 +8,18 @@
\item{mean}{the expected value of the density function}
\item{quant}{the quantile values}
\item{perc}{the probabilities for which the quantiles were specified}
\item{perc}{the probabilities for which the quantiles were
\item{method}{method of optimization (see \code{\link{optim}})}
\item{theta0}{starting parameters}
\item{returnDetails}{if TRUE, the full output of optim is returned with attribute resOptim}
\item{returnDetails}{if TRUE, the full output of optim is returned
with attribute resOptim}

\value{named numeric matrix with estimated parameters of the logitnormal distrubtion.
\value{named numeric matrix with estimated parameters of the logitnormal
colnames: \code{c("mu","sigma")}}

\author{Thomas Wutzler}
Expand Down
20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions man/twCoefLogitnormMLE.Rd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
\item{mle}{numeric vector: the mode of the density function}
\item{quant}{numeric vector: the upper quantile value}
\item{perc}{numeric vector: the probability for which the quantile was specified}
\item{perc}{numeric vector: the probability for which the quantile
was specified}

\value{numeric matrix with columns \code{c("mu","sigma")}
Expand All @@ -18,19 +19,18 @@ rows correspond to rows in \code{mle}, \code{quant}, and \code{perc}}


# estimate the parameters, with mode 0.7 and upper quantile 0.9
(theta <- twCoefLogitnormMLE(0.7,0.9))

mode = 0.7; upper = 0.9
mode = 0.2; upper = 0.7
#mode = 0.5; upper = 0.9
(theta <- twCoefLogitnormMLE(mode,upper))
x <- seq(0,1,length.out = 41)[-c(1,41)] # plotting grid
px <- plogitnorm(x,mu = theta[1],sigma = theta[2]) #percentiles function
plot(px~x); abline(v = c(0.7,0.9),col = "gray"); abline(h = c(0.999),col = "gray")
plot(px~x); abline(v = c(mode,upper),col = "gray"); abline(h = c(0.999),col = "gray")
dx <- dlogitnorm(x,mu = theta[1],sigma = theta[2]) #density function
plot(dx~x); abline(v = c(0.7,0.9),col = "gray")

plot(dx~x); abline(v = c(mode,upper),col = "gray")
# vectorized
(theta <- twCoefLogitnormMLE(mle = seq(0.4,0.8,by = 0.1),quant = 0.9))

(theta <- twCoefLogitnormMLE(mle = seq(0.4,0.8,by = 0.1),quant = upper))
# flat
(theta <- twCoefLogitnormMLEFlat(0.7))
(theta <- twCoefLogitnormMLEFlat(mode))

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