A small JS library to generate parametric SVG images of locks and keys, animate them and integrate onto web pages. Released as a supporting tool for my DEF CON 28 talk on key space hacking: https://defcon.org/html/defcon-safemode/dc-safemode-speakers.html#Graydon.
The version currently released is very rough around the edges. I'm primarily using it to aid in my DEF CON presentation at the moment. Polishes to come after DEF CON.
The majority of people will probably just want to play with the examples rather than use this as a library.
Example source code is in the /examples folder. Live examples are online:
Lockview is a javascript library that allows interactive images of locks and keys to be incorporated into any web page. It requires SVG.js: https://svgjs.com/docs/3.0/
All relevant functions and objects are under the "lockview" object.
To add a lock to a webpage, create a container div or other HTML element with some id:
<div id='lock0'></div>
And after the page has loaded call the lockview.addLock
'lock0', // HTML Container element ID
lockview.schlageLockspec, // Information about the lock dimensions
lockview.defaultViewOpts, // What controls should be visible, styling, etc
[2,4,5,3,1], // Key Code
[[2],[4],[5],[3],[1]], // Shear lines
"KEY" // Text stamped on the bow of the key
The return value of lockview.addLock
is a JS Object with fields and functions that can be used to manipulate the lock / key after its creation.
Much more complete documentation is to come.