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#How to use MatrixOperations in your project

Initializing options for matrix of different diensions

#include <iostream>
#include "MatrixOperations.hpp"

using namespace std;

int main (void) {
  MatrixDefinitionD test_1; // initialize Matrix

  // code in the examples goes here...

  return 0;

Replace // code in the examples goes here... with your own after going through the header, save this file, Matrix_Code.cpp and compile it like this: g++ -pipe -O2 -std=c++11 Matrix_Code.cpp , where Matrix is the path where you have the header files which you obtained after cloning this repo.

##Constructing Matrix

There are several ways to initialize a Matrix object.

  • Overloaded with number of rows and columns

    MatrixDefinitionD test_2(6,16);
  • Square matrix of dimension dxd

    MatrixDefinitionD test_3(9);
  • Uses data from vector to fill matrix

    MatrixDefinitionD test_4(3,3,vector<double>(9);

The most complete example is MatrixOperations.cpp. Here is a list of all mathematical operations currently available and examples of usage.

  • multiplication

    • matrix * matrix and matrix * number (scalar operation interchangeable)
      MatrixDefinitionD A, B, C;
      A.fillRandom(10, 10);
      B.fillRandom(10, 10);
    C = A* B;
    cout << c * 3.1 << endl;
  • transpose

  • matrix' , helps compute the transpose of the Matrix

    A1.fillRandom(10, 10);

  • Additional functions -Matrix Addition, Matrix subtraction, scalar division,scalar addition, scalar subtraction
  • matrix + matrix, matrix - matrix nad matrix / scalar

MatrixDefinitionD test_d1(6, 6);
MatrixDefinitionD test_d2(6, 6);
MatrixDefinitionD r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7,r8,r9;

r1 = test_d1+test_d2;
r2 = test_d1-test_d2;
r3 = test_d1/65;
r4 = test_d2-12;
r5 = test_d2 +242;

-Assignment Operations with both Scalars and Matrices

  • matrix +=, matrix -= nad matrix*=
test_d1+=r1; //Matrix test_d1 = test_d1 + r1 
test_d2+=9; // Add 9 to all the roe and column elements

test_d1-=r1; //Matrix test_d1 = test_d1 - r1 
test_d2-=9; // Subtract 9 to all the roe and column elements

test_d1*=r1; //Matrix test_d1 = test_d1 * r1 
test_d2*=9; // Multiplies 9 to all the roe and column elements
test_d2/=9; // Divides 9 to all the roe and column elements
  • Indexing
MatrixDefinitionD test_d1(6, 6);
cout<<test_d1(m,n)<<endl; //outputs the mth row nth coulumn element

-Helper Functions

MatrixDefinitionD test_d1,test_d2,test_d3,test_d4,test_d5;
test_d1.fillMatrix(6,6,26); // creates a 6x6 matrix and fills all elements to be 26
test_d2.fillzeros(7,8);  // creates a 7x8 matrix and fills all elements to be 0
test_d3.fillRandom(8,4); //Random numbers as elements of 8x4 matrix
test_d1.determinant(); //determinant of a square matrix
test_d2.printMatrix(); // prints to console
test_d3.printMatrixCSV(1,string); //prints to csv file with a unique name made of the arguements
  • Use MatrixOperations.cpp to run the test cases for multiplication and transpose of two matrices, observe test1() in main to see some helper functions in action, and compile it like this: g++ -pipe -O2 -std=c++11 MatrixOperations.cpp and complete by typing ./a.out in the console.

-You can set the range of the matrix sizes you want to test the random generator test2 method in main by changing its arguements by giving it desired range


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