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In an increasingly connected world, the safe sanctuary of privacy pockets becomes more pronounced when matters of mental health are concerned. Hence the need for a project like "Sakura". This website attempts to offer a free space to both local and global communities, where they may communicate, interact and collaborate with each other. Mimicking the ambience of therapy groups and one-to-one assistance of psychologist sessions, this Project incorporates a bundle of features that can help in the early detection, treatment and rehabilitation of individuals struggling with mental disorders. The website is primarily designed as a self-help zone where one can learn about mental disorders through the FAQ or blog sections, seek emotional support via anonymous interactions under the community page, order assistive devices or books for mental upkeep through the dedicated store and get an on-click appointment with leading psychologists around the world. As they say it, Sakura can both amuse and engage with the visitor.
- Front-End : React ,Redux, Bootstrap
- Back-End : NodeJs, ExpressJs
- Database : MongoDB
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.
This is an example of how to list things you need to use the software and how to install them.
- npm
npm install npm
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Install NPM packages on both the networks Frontend as well as Backend
npm install
- Consult - Book a session with a professional
- Community - Post anonymously about your problems
- Blogs - Get various blogs related to the topics like anxiety,depression,stress,etc
- E-Commerce - Buy various stress relief prroducts
- Game - Play Snake-game to refresh your mind
- FAQs - Get answers about the topics related to mental-wellness
- Authentication - Users can login as well as register themselves
Disha Bhardwaj @github
Akshat Batra @github
Chaitanya Vishnu Bhatt @github
Project Link: Project|Sakura