- Search any location or type(Eg. Food/Hospital/123 abc blvd..)
- Retreive upto 20 markers around the US and 15,000 searches/day limit from google
- Implementing Realm database and storing a repository of places enables to show more markers on search
- Recycler view displaying Places with details
- Detailed view with further details on the place and option to navtigate to device maps
- Orientation change handling by saving states of primitive data and retaining fragments
- Implemented EvenBus for loose coupling between non-android frameworks Model and Presenter
Self training project focsing on third party libraries and dynamic fragment implementation.
- Google Maps, Places, Clustering, Markers
- Retrofit
- ButterKnife
- MVP pattern
- Glide/Picasso
- Recycler views
- Dynamic Fragments
- Realm Database
- Lapism SearchView
- Card view
- Flex Box
- Event bus
- Rx Java
- Dagger
Hoping to learn on the go 👍
P.S. Add Google API Keys in the gradle.properties file for a working prototype