Releases: biblia-arabica/biblia-arabica-data Bibliography data version 0.38.0
This release is intended for deploying data to the Bibliography website.
The .xar package is intended to be used in eXist-db 6.x with the Srophé app Biblia-Arabica fork.
You can also make your own .xar of the data by downloading this repo and running ant in the repo directory. A docker image of eXist-db with this package pre-installed is available at
💡 Metadata or App Enhancements
- Added multiplatform docker build (#17)
- Added GitHub actions for releases and docker builds (#14)
- Added docker build metadata (#13)
🐛 Metadata and Application Fixes
- Changed base Docker image to non-root (#23)
- Added a placeholder deprecated record to accommodate build process (#21)
- Corrected package path for GitHub actions assets (#20)
Contributors data version 0.37
The data here is for the Bibliography of the Arabic Bible and can be run with the Srophé app Biblia Arabica fork in eXist-db 6.x.
It includes bibliography records in TEI-XML format.
The .xar package is intended to be used in eXist-db 6.x with the Srophé app Biblia Arabica fork.
You can also make your own .xar of the data by downloading this repo and running ant in the repo directory.