Application data for []: The Syriac Reference Portal All publications of are made available online in a free and open format using the Creative Commons licenses. TEI data for publications is available: [] The data must be packaged and deployed to your eXist instance in order to use the app.
Check that the following packages/libraries are deployed in eXist before deploying the srophe-eXist-app:
- eXist-db Shared apps: []
- JSON Parser and Serializer for XQuery .1.6 + : []
- Functx Library: []
- SPARQL and RDF indexing for eXist-db []
- EXPath Crypto library (For github webhooks, not needed otherwise) []
Packages can be deployed via the eXistdb dashboard. uses Github webhooks [] to keep the remote application upto date with the github repository.
Requires the EXPath Crypto library to verify Github submissions. []
Requires a config file added to the app home directory. Do not store this file in your github repository. Example:
<config> <!-- Configuration for Github webhooks sync feature --> <git-config> <!-- github secret key can be stored here or as a environment variable. (prefered) --> <private-key/> <private-key-variable>VARIABLE_NAME</private-key-variable> <!-- github token for rate limiting. can be stored here or as a environment variable. (prefered) --> <gitToken/> <gitToken-variable/> <!-- Branch to sync, if empty assumes master --> <github-branch>master</github-branch> <!-- Collection in eXistdb to sync app to. example: /db/apps/srophe --> <exist-collection>/db/apps/srophe</exist-collection> <!-- App root in git repository. example: srophe-app --> <repo-name>srophe-app</repo-name> </git-config> </config>
Setup webhooks on your github repository, XQuery endpoint: http://localhost:8080/exist/apps/srophe/modules/git-sync.xql. []