This is an admin for OS2Display. This is based on create-react-app. See for a description of the admin.
By default the api that is requested is located at /api/
This can be configured by:
cp public/example_config.json public/config.json
And modify the entries to suit your setup.
This file contains the access config. This file is only required if other access setting are required than what is default.
cp public/example-access-config.json public/access-config.json
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose run node yarn
The communication with the API is generated from an OpenAPI specification with Redux Toolkit.
To regenerate (when the API specification has changed):
docker-compose exec node bash
cd src/redux/api
# Action: Replace api.json with the new api.json OpenAPI specification
# Install and run scripts to generate ned Redux Api slices.
npm install
npm start
We use cypress for testing.
To run cypress tests in the cypress container:
docker-compose run cypress run
docker-compose run node yarn check-coding-standards
docker-compose run node yarn apply-coding-standards