This is the client that will display slides from OS2Display. See for more info about the client.
Start docker setup
# Install npm packages
docker-compose run node yarn install
# Up the containers
docker-compose up -d
# Optional: Follow the node logs to see when the code is compiled.
docker-compose logs -f node
The display client is here:
The code is compiled when changed.
The client can be configured by creating public/config.json
with relevant values.
See public/example_config.json
for values.
The client should have public/release.json
with relevant values.
See public/example_release.json
for values.
For code analysis we use the Airbnb style guide for javascript and for formatting we use Prettier.
# Check for coding standards issues
docker-compose exec node bash -c 'yarn check-coding-standards'
# Auto-correct coding standards issues
docker-compose exec node bash -c 'yarn apply-coding-standards'
We use cypress for testing.
To run cypress tests in the cypress container:
docker-compose run cypress run
Builds the app for production to the build folder.
@TODO: Add production build instructions.