117 commits
to development
since this release
Full Changelog: v2.12.1...v2.13.0
- feat: add inbound queue size and job failure metrics
- feat: add dry-run recording mode
- feat: add time_to_mute/unmute metrics
- feat: add warn logs for when hold/mute actions exceed max bucket time
- feat(mediasoup): add mediasoup_ice_transport_protocol metric
- feat(mediasoup): per-worker resource metrics
- feat(mediasoup): add worker label to transport/router/prod/cons metrics
- fix(audio): log and track metrics for hold/unhold timeouts
- fix(bbb-webrtc-recorder): exception when removing nullish recording callbacks
- fix(mediasoup): check for null producers
- fix(screenshare): resolve subscriberAnswer job
- fix(audio): prevent false positives in TLO toggle metrics
- fix(test): wait for recorder to boot in stress test script
- fix: set appropriate initial bitrates
- fix(mediasoup): max bitrate for consumer-only transports not effective
- fix(mediasoup): missing rtcp-fb and header exts in consumer-only offers
- fix(audio): stricter adherence to router.mediaCodecs settings
- fix(video): exception when destructuring null camera source
- fix(mediasoup): only call consumer.changeProducer when appropriate
- fix(mediasoup): capture icestatechange == disconnected
- fix(mediasoup): invalid RTP header exts in default config
- refactor: replace logger lib, Winston -> Pino
- chore(mediasoup): expose webRtcTransport's iceConsentTimeout config
- build: [email protected]
- build: [email protected]
- build: bump Docker and nvmrc to Node.js 20 (LTS)