Issue in the adminalerts app
Issue in the appalerts app
Issue in the filesfolders app
Issue in the projectroles app
Issue in the siteinfo app
Issue in the sodarcache app
Issue in the timeline app
Issue in the userprofile app
Breaking change, to be implemented and documented with care
Cosmetic change, does not affect functionality
Improvements or additions to documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
Issues of dependencies, CI, deployment etc.
Requested feature or enhancement
Idea for the future, not in current milestones
Extra attention is needed
A decidedly high priority issue
Changes invisible to the user or APIs (e.g. refactoring and optimization)
A decidedly low priority issue
Ongoing issue, needs observation or pending on other projects
Postponed for later development
Further information is requested
Comments wanted, spec/schedule/prioritization to be decided, etc.
This will not be worked on