You can create a .docx template file with included search-patterns that can be replaced by any value you wish:
use DocxTemplate\TemplateFactory;
$template = TemplateFactory::load('template1.docx');
'name' => 'Jon',
'surname' => 'Snow',
'house' => 'Stark'
Default search-pattern spelling is: {{mark_name}}
Mark name should be lowercase, with words separated by underscores.
My name is {{name}}.
Also you can use any search-pattern spelling you wish:
use DocxTemplate\TemplateFactory;
TemplateFactory::useMarkSyntax('${', '}'); // prefix and suffix
$template = TemplateFactory::load('template.docx');
Installation using Composer
Add to your composer.json
"require" : {
"tyz910/docx-templates": "*"