Simulator for generating mobility traces and query traces for large numbers of mobile agents moving in a road network.
Modified from @pestip's original repo:
Documentation is under wiki
- Java 1.7+
- Maven 3.2+
$git clone
$cd gt-mobisim
$mvn clean compile package
This will create an executable jar at target/gt-mobisim-1.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar
- Import gt-mobisim project into Eclipse
Eclipse -> File -> Import -> Existing Maven Projects
- Choose
Run Configurations
, selectgt-mobisim/edu.gatech.lbs.sim.Simulation
as the Main class. On the Arguments tab, putconfigs/web-demo.xml
as Program arguments then run the Simulation.
$java -jar target/gt-mobisim-1.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar configs/test-tracegen.xml
Note that you can use any of the xml configuration files under configs
directory as the program argument. You can modify the attribute values in a config file to run different simulations. During the simulation, the mobility traces are output to configs/traces
This software is published for academic and non-commercial use only.