This project is a wrapper for the SoundCloud Web API. It uses Retrofit to create Java interfaces from API endpoints.
In the main build.gradle
repositories {
jcenter() // For production builds.
maven {
url '' // For snapshots.
Snapshots can be found on JFrog's Open Source Artifactory Server.
Add following to the build.gradle
file in your app module:
dependencies {
compile 'com.jlubecki.soundcloud:soundcloud-api:1.2.1'
// Other dependencies
Alternatively, the project can be imported into an existing project as a module.
SoundCloudAPI api = new SoundCloudAPI("clientId");
// Few of the SoundCloud Web API endpoints require authorization.
// If you know you'll require authorization you can add this step.
SoundCloudService soundcloud = api.getService();
soundcloud.getTrack("trackId").enqueue(new Callback<Track>() {
public void onResponse(Call<Track> call, Response<Track> response) {
Track track = response.body();
if(track != null) {
Log.i(TAG, "Track success: " + track.title);
} else {
Log.w(TAG, "Error in response.");
public void onFailure(Call<Track> call, Throwable t) {
Log.e(TAG, "Error getting track.", t);
The provided implementations of the SoundCloudAuthenticator class make obtaining an auth token easy.
To setup login:
private AuthenticationStrategy strategy;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// ...
AuthTabServiceConnection serviceConnection = new AuthTabServiceConnection(new AuthenticationCallback() { ... });
ChromeTabsSoundCloudAuthenticator tabsAuthenticator = new ChromeTabsSoundCloudAuthenticator(CLIENT_ID, REDIRECT, this);
BrowserSoundCloudAuthenticator browserAuthenticator = new BrowserSoundCloudAuthenticator(CLIENT_ID, REDIRECT, this);
WebViewSoundCloudAuthenticator webViewAuthenticator = new WebViewSoundCloudAuthenticator(CLIENT_ID, REDIRECT, this, REQUEST_CODE_AUTHENTICATE);
// You need to create a strategy in `onCreate` to make sure it is always available to handle new Intent data in `onResume`
strategy = new AuthenticationStrategy.Builder(MainActivity.this)
.onFailure(new AuthenticationStrategy.OnNetworkFailureListener() {
public void onFailure(Throwable throwable) {
// Couldn't connect to the internet...
strategy.beginAuthentication(new AuthenticationCallback() {
public void onReadyToAuthenticate(SoundCloudAuthenticator authenticator) {
authenticator.launchAuthenticationwhereFlow(); // launch immediately
// ... or ...
MyActivity.this.authenticator = authenticator; // save to launch when ready
Once the user has given the application permission to authenticate on
their behalf, SoundCloud will redirect to the URI specified by the app.
This intent should be filtered by the activity that should obtain the
Auth Token. Additionally, that activity should be a single top activity
meaning only one instance of it exists at a given time. To do this, add
to the activity in the manifest.
In the android manifest, a redirect of yourapp://soundcloud/redirect
would look like:
<activity android:name=".YourActivity"
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
<data android:scheme="yourapp"
A sample implementation of code to handle an intent.
void getTokenFromIntent(Intent intent) {
if (strategy.canAuthenticate(intent)) {
strategy.getToken(intent, CLIENT_SECRET, new AuthenticationStrategy.ResponseCallback() {
public void onAuthenticationResponse(AuthenticationResponse response) {
switch (response.getType()) {
case TOKEN:
Log.i(TAG, "Token: " + response.access_token); // save token
Log.e(TAG, response.toString());
public void onAuthenticationFailed(Throwable throwable) {
Log.e(TAG, throwable.getMessage());
A few changes to the activity lifecycle to handle incoming intents:
protected void onNewIntent(Intent intent) {
// Always called after `onNewIntent`, if not using ChromeTabs, you can
// call `getTokenFromIntent` in `onNewIntent`.
protected void onResume() {
// Use with `WebViewSoundCloudAuthenticator`.
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
if (requestCode == YOUR_REQUEST_CODE) {
Once the user has completed the external auth and the intent filter reopens the app, the activity
should override protected void onNewIntent(Intent intent)
and check that the data in the intent
matches the specified redirect URI. If it does, the app should use the SoundCloudAuthenticator to
handle the response and then obtain the auth token.
Using Chrome Custom Tabs will prevent onNewIntent
from being called. The activity should still
receive a new Intent, but it can be handled in onResume
instead. Handling the intent in this
case can be a bit more complicated, but some implementations may see advantages in using Chrome
Custom Tabs to authenticate.
For instance:
- Customize look and feel of tabs using
. - Improve loading times of the authentication flow (built in to the
). - Add callbacks to observe simple navigation events to understand the authentication flow.
The WebView authenticator is possibly the easiest to use. However, you expose yourself to security vulnerabilities because it enables javascript (i.e. XSS attacks). A potential upside is that the WebView will never try to open the SoundCloud app during the authentication (if it does, open an issue).
For information on client ID, secret, and the redirect URI, see the SoundCloud Apps Page.
This project is distributed as open source software under the MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file for more info.
Found a bug? Something that's missing? Feedback is an important part of improving the project, so please open an issue.
Fork this project and start working on your own feature branch. When you're done, send a Pull Request to have your suggested changes merged into the master branch by the project's collaborators. Read more about the GitHub flow.
All http PUT and DELETE requests
- Poor / nonexistent documentation.
/me/activities and related subresources
- List of all activities: playlists, songs, etc.
- Different types under same name in JSON -- "collection".
- Will try to add soon with custom (de)serialization.
- List of apps on the SoundCloud apps page.
- Resolves SoundCloud web urls to API endpoints.
- Creates objects that can be embedded in a web page.
- No officially documented endpoints.