- Fix errore da frontend su getAllItems();
- Sostituita classe OrderRepository con OrderInterface e caricato ordine tramite increment ID
- Incremento di una minor per via della classe sostituita in teoria i cambiamenti sono incompatibili
- Con le vecchie versioni
- Refactory codice Observer utiizzando API INTERFACE ORDERS
- Refactory Snippets prodotto
- Fix undefined $zoorate_env
- Fix Intercept order (qaplà)
- Fixato errore variabile $return non dichiarata in ProdVariants.php at line 84
- Fixato sistema widget prodotto
- Cambiato sistema configurazione widget (aggiunto JS per gestione preview in tempo reale senza salvataggio)
- Fixato problema istanza varianti merch e varianti prodotto (KGC shop)
- Fix bug nei microdati prodotto che appendeva una & che rompeva le cache nel File:
- Inserita gestione configurazione timeout
(nel caso di timeout reached il plugin logga errore e rilascia processo)
- Aumentata la cache a 24h
- Fix bug get instance model product in foreach nel File ./Observer/InterceptOrder.php
- Fixato problema order id e store id nel'intrcept dell'ordine
- Fixato problema con info curl protocollo
- Fixato path di export csv (viene sportato nella cartella tmp)
- Ampliata Funzione di debug per rilevare errori CURL e info HEADER
Fixata visualizzazione store badge Fixata visualizzazione product badge
- New Widgets V6
- Fix all scope settings
- Update feedaty event name and make it unique to avoid observer conflicts with other plugins
- Update Intercept order Observer
- Fix OB_CLEAN Error
- Update configurations (allow sets up only on storeviews)
- Insert new debug function in csv export
- Insert new debug function intercept order event observer
- Fix Store id in intercept order event observer when the context is AdminHtml
- Deleted deprecated D.I in intercept order event observer
- Fix conflict with trd-party plugin tempaltes for base.phtml overrides
- Fix Merchant and Product snippet observers
- extend Debug functionality, to debug data sent to feedaty
- Remove stage from getdata
- Code Convenction enchancements
- Fix ObjectMagaer instance error
- Fix Feedaty installation errors for Magento 2.2
- Works for multishop
- Code Convenction enchancements
- Added Feedaty admin menu
- Multisite supported
- Feedaty customers's credentials can be mapped in a special section
- Avoid errors checking http response code from microdata server
- Feedaty now handle bundle and configurable products as one product
- Change to "Mage2" cURL req User-Agent
- Removed discouraged echo construct from csv export
- Microdata configuration in Feedaty menu on backend
- Add debug function for orders and microdata response
- Fix display errors on Feedaty Servers issues
- Increments to 6h Snippets cache
- Improve performance by reducing calls to Feedaty API
- Fix cache merchant's and product's rich snippets to minimize the site loading
- Bug in product reviews tab ( a bug in product reviews tab was able to display the tab if reviews are equals to 0 and some times display wrong reviews).
- New Feedaty API with OAuth authentication for sending Orders
- New google rich snippets
- Survey email is sent in Customer language
- Updated validation in Feedaty code and Feedaty secret
- Feedaty plugin is not caching merchant's and product's rich snippets ( we'll add this function in next relase )
- UPDATED adminhtml\system.xml
- UPDATED adminhtml\menu.xml
- UPDATE FILE /etc/events.xml
- UPDATED METHOD execute()
- UPDATED METHOD downloadCsv()
- DELETED METHOD feedatyDebug()
- UPDATED METHOD execute()
- ADDED METHOD feedatyDebug()
- Show Feedaty configurations only if scope is in store view
- UPDATED METHOD getProductRichSnippet()
- UPDATED METHOD getMerchantRichSnippet()
- UPDATED METHOD getReqToken()
- UPDATED METHOD send_order()
- UPDATED METHOD execute()
- UPDATED METHOD execute()
- ADDED Feedaty\Badge\Observer\ProductSnippet Class
- ADDED Feedaty\Badge\Observer\StoreSnippet Class
- UPDATED Feedaty\Badge\Observer\ProductBadge Class
- UPDATED Feedaty\Badge\Observer\StoreBadge Class
- UPDATED METHOD execute()
- ADDED METHOD downloadCsv()
- UPDATED adminhtml\system.xml
- UPDATED events.xml
- UPDATED METHOD getProductRichSnippet()
- UPDATED METHOD getMerchantRichSnippet()
- UPDATED METHOD _get_FeedatyData()
- UPDATED METHOD execute()
- UPDATED METHOD getProductRichSnippet()
- UPDATED METHOD getMerchantRichSnippet()
- ADDED NEW METHOD getReqToken()
- ADDED NEW METHOD serializeData()
- ADDED NEW METHOD getAccessToken()
- ADDED NEW METHOD encryptToken()
- ADDED NEW METHOD getProductRichSnippet()
- ADDED NEW METHOD getMerchantRichSnippet()
- UPDATED METHOD send_order()
- UPDATED METHOD _get_FeedatyData()
- UPDATED METHOD send_notification()
- FIXED BUG wich display empty tab
- UPDATED array structure sent to new feedaty API
- ADDED functional enchancement for send survey email in Customer's language
- ADDED google rich snippet for product
- ADDED google rich snippet for merchant
- UPDATED call to sendnotification() method ()
- FIXED BUG wich allow to display empty tab
- ADDED new field with id 'feedaty_secret'