Feedaty is a social commerce site dedicated to online stores for the professional management of customer feedback. The service is provided through a platform Saas (Software as a Service) and may be activated quickly and easily through a short integration process.
magento/framework: 100.0.* |
magento/module-store: 100.0.* |
magento/module-catalog: 100.0.* |
magento/module-customer: 100.0.* |
magento/module-backend: 100.0.* |
magento/module-rewrite: 100.0.* |
magento/module-bundle 100.0.* |
magento/module-catalog-url-rewrite 100.0.* |
magento/module-url-rewrite 100.0.* |
magento/module-cron 100.0.* |
magento/module-sales 100.0.* |
magento/module-translation 100.0.* |
magento/module-widget 100.0.* |
magento/module-theme: 100.0.* |
magento/module-ui: 100.0.* |
magento/module-cache-invalidate 100.0.* |
- php >=5.5.27 | php 5.6.* | php ~ 7.0.0
- php-curl
1st) move to your magento root directory
# cd /var/www/html/path/to/your/magento-root-dir
2nd) add http://packagist.org/ repository in your composer.json file
3rd) login as the owner of your magento filsystem, for example:
# su magentouser
4th) require and install the package
# composer require feedaty/module-badge2
1st) Move Feedaty_Badge-2.0.1 directory in path/to/your/magento-root-dir/app/code/ and rename it Feedaty
1st) Move Feedaty directory in path/to/your/magento-root-dir/app/code/
2nd) Clink on "System Config" in the left sidebar menu.
3rd) Click on "Web Setup Config".
4th) Click on "Component Manager".
5th) Enable "feedaty/module-badge2".
If a blank page returned, maybe you haven't a right configuration in your Magento installation. Check for permission in /var/www/path/to/your/magento-root-dir/var directory. If the apache error log report a permission denied on var directory, run command:
# chown -R apache:apache
if your server run on Centos
or if your server run on Debian/Ubuntu:
# chown -R www-data:www-data on "path/to/your/magento-root-dir/var"
to let apache get the permission to write cache.
1st) login with the own of the magento installation for example: # su magentouser
now enter below commands:
# cd /var/www/path/to/your/magento-root-dir
# bin/magento module:enable Feedaty_Badge
console ask to run setup:di:compile command, some times you can avoid enter this command if you enter "setup:di:compile" command, don't forget to check permissions to "path/to/your/magento-root-dir/var" directory, otherwise a zend exeption rise because magento can't write cache in var directory.
same procedure like enabling, when you arrive in "component manager", select "Disable" and save your configuration.
1st) login with the own of the magento installation, after you must enter below commands:
# cd /var/www/path/to/your/magento-root-dir
# bin/magento module:disable Feedaty_Badge
to clear static contents you can append "--clear-static-contents" in module:disable command If you append "--clear-static-contents" don't forget to run
# bin/magento setup:di:compile
# bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
To setup Feedaty Widgets follow these steps;
1st) Click on "Stores" in the left-side bar menu.
2nd) Click on "Configurations".
3rd) Insert Feedaty merchant codes and Feedaty merchant secrets on relative stores .
4th) Select preferences aboute module design, and set on enable widgets and/or product reviews.