A dashboard monitoring the energy usage and carbon emissions of the Polkadot ecosystem.
Providing real-time updates for anyone to explore the relaychain and various parachains.
The documentation is in the folder dashboard
The api offers some API regarding carbon offset (TODO description).
Specific documentation is in the folder api
You can run the Dashboard and the Api in Docker.
The Dashboard will be reachable on port 3000, for example with http://localhost:3000.
The API will be reachable on port 3001, for example with http://localhost:3001.
If you wish to use docker for production enviromnent you should change the POSTGRES_PASSWORD: in the docker-compose.yml in both folder "api" and "dashboard", and Run a docker for a reverse proxy as follows:
Requirements: Docker, Docker Compose, Linux Os.
Installation: Point a sub or full domain name to the public ip adress of your server.
change folder to revproxy:
cd revproxy
edit the file install.sh and change the value of DOMAIN and EMAIL to yours.
Execute the install.sh:
Check the result, you should have installed a valid TLS certificate from Letsencrypt.org.
You can wipe the certificates and private key with:
Execute the install.sh:
For any issue the docker certbot will outout clear error messages and possible solutions. run the docker image for the reverse proxy with:
docker compose up -d
The reverse proxy will forward the TLS connections the internal API and Dashboard.
You should run the docker for the Dashboard and API and test them browsing to:
https;//YOURDOMAIN/ for the dashboard.
https://YOURDOMAIN/api for the api.
To run all the docker images in production, first make sure you have db dumps for both api and dashboard projects.
They should be located at api/dump.sql
and dashboard/dump.sql
. Once you have dumps at correct paths, you can safely run the following command:
To run all the docker images in development:
- It takes about 5 minutes to get everything up and running, so please wait a bit once you run the command.
- In dev environment, cron job will run every 2 minutes (every 6h in production)
In case you want to prune all containers and it's data, you can run the following script: