Uses re-frame
(meaning, ClojureScript, React.js and Reagent as well) under the hood.
Uses Bower dependencies via lein-bower
and wiredep
(I have it globally).
This is a toy and will likely always be a work-in-progress. I'll be really glad if anyone finds the code here even remotely useful, but it hasn't been cleaned up in any way before being published.
- Once I found SkyBlue I pretty much stopped using
- Events are a bit of a mess, I haven't found a way to scope them down yet
- Wraps
for interaction over WebRTC with a dead-simple wrapper and a couple of event handlers; almost the entire code for that is shoved into initializer and should be extracted into a namespace
lein clean
lein figwheel dev
Figwheel will automatically push cljs changes to the browser.
Wait a bit, then browse to http://localhost:3449.
lein clean
lein cljsbuild once min
I'm not expecting any. You'll really surprise me in a good way if you pay this project this much attention. GitHub issue all the things, I'll take it from there.